Tulsi Gabbard calls for DNC Chairman Tom Perez to resign following Iowa debacle – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard calls for DNC Chairman Tom Perez to resign following Iowa debacle


MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Tulsi Gabbard called on Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez to resign following Iowa’s disastrous delay in reporting results from the Iowa caucuses.

“Ultimately, this is a failure of leadership, and I think the DNC chair, Tom Perez, should resign,” the Hawaii congresswoman, 38, told WMUR on Sunday.

“It’s both because of what we’ve seen happen in Iowa, but also over the last several months, the growing skepticism that I hear from Democrat voters that this primary will be carried out in a fair way where voters can get the information that they need to make the best choice in who should be our Democratic nominee, and ultimately who should be our next president and commander in chief,” she added.

Perez has been walking on thin ice following last week’s Iowa Democratic caucuses. An app meant to report results from precincts to party headquarters had coding errors, and official results reveal obvious inconsistencies in vote totals and state delegate equivalent allocation. While it is the state party, not the DNC, that runs the caucuses, some argue the national arm of the party should have done more to ensure timely and confident results. read more

14 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard calls for DNC Chairman Tom Perez to resign following Iowa debacle

  1. I can’t help but like Tulsi Gabbard. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no way in hell I could ever vote for her. But she is genuine. Something seriously lacking with most politicians. She’s the only Dem candidate that sent Rush prayers and well wishes. I follower her on IG and her followers are ready to declare war on the DNC. For good reason. There’s a lot of people urging her to switch parties.

  2. I don’t agree with her domestic politics but she is likeable and you believe that really doe not want to waste human lives in parts of the world that have not been at peace for hundreds of years.

  3. Tulsi- you should know better. This chaos is by design not by accident. The DNC “knows” Bernie can’t win. The DNC “knows” Biden is a blithering idiot and that was when he was in his prime. The DNC thought Biden was their best shot so they muddied the Iowan waters to save Joe.

    But the cat is out of the bag- Joe is not only a blithering idiot he may be in mid dementia (Hard to tell when normal Joe is a blithering idiot verse possible dementia Joe- if he starts playing with food or himself in public we will know it’s the dementia). Either way the Democrats who vote in the primaries have shunned Joe and the DNC has a 12 gauge double barrel Bernie insurrection pointed directly at their collective face.

    There only hope? A brokered convention where St. Mittens is asked to run against Trump. As one who voted for Mitt in 2012 I would pay money to see Trump go full tilt twitter on that sanctimonious jerk. But if the DNC actually did that the Bernie Bros & Antifa would riot- which would only add to my fun but I digress.

    In the next couple of days the DNC will have to back either the Butt-mayor or Lie-a-watha in order to take out Bernie. But the damage is already done. Projected stock investment on popcorn is looking great.

  4. The DNC chair doesn’t have the option to step down. To a no-show “job” at the “winner’s” “charitable” “foundation”. Until the fix is in. Dem’s da’ rules. Just followin’ orders.

  5. the dem nominee will be crooked hillary

    you can bet on it

    she said everyone told her she should run again

    crooked hillary is a great name considering she now has to wear a back brace to sit upright

    and I have yet to find any video of her actually walking during the last year

  6. Tom Perez, another crook
    trying to fix an election just like
    Debbie ( Wasserman Test ) Schultz.

    Why are smellocrats not hauled down
    for their obvious criminality ?

    Is it because the MSM wants to accuse
    their opponents of

    Crimes that NEVER HAPPENED and even

    Invented CRIMES which are NOT

    Crimes at all !

  7. Hard to follow a complete scoundrel like Lil Debbie Cupo’noodlehair, even if you ‘identify’ as a minority. Then there was tim kaine, howard dean and terry mccaluliff prior, all people who should have been drowned shortly after delivery.
    They’re going to find someone worse than these?


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