Mike Pompeo Says He Has List of American Governors Listed as ‘Friendly’ by Communist China – IOTW Report

Mike Pompeo Says He Has List of American Governors Listed as ‘Friendly’ by Communist China

PJ Media:In a shocking speech in front of the National Governors Association, Secretary Mike Pompeo revealed that he is in possession of a list of American governors who have been listed as “friendly” by Chinese Communist infiltrators.

Pompeo said he received an invitation from a former governor to attend a networking event that promised great “deal-making” opportunities with the Chinese government. This networking event was run by “The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship in Foreign Countries,” said Pompeo. But what the participants might not have known is that “the group is the public face of the Chinese Communist party’s  official foreign influence agency, the United Front Work Department.” Pompeo knew of this connection from his time at the CIA.

He questioned the governors on how many of them knew that this group was a communist front group. “What if you made a new friend while you were at that event?” he asked. “What if your new friend offered to invest big money in your state, perhaps in your pension, an industry sensitive to our national security?” MORE HERE

20 Comments on Mike Pompeo Says He Has List of American Governors Listed as ‘Friendly’ by Communist China

  1. That’s really bad. Can you imagine if the Chicoms hacked into a huge federal bureaucracy and stole millions of personnel files on federal employees? Think of the lists the Chicoms could make with that data. That would be really, really bad.

  2. @Thirdtwin– that’s sarcasm,right? No doubt,given that the NSA(NSC?) increased in size by about 150% between Bush and oblowme, the additional staff was probably there as customer service reps who have at least a passing knowledge of Mandarin.

    Move over Venona Papers…

    Americans have a right to know who the Chinese Communist Party view as “Friendly” and “Ambiguous”.

  3. Thirdtwin nailed it….with sarcasm as icing on the cake. The Commie Chinks actually did hack our federal employee database back during Obola’s reign of terror and didn’t do a damn thing about it.

  4. And they should all hang as enemies of the people….. er American people…… Umm, errr people of the United States of America.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  5. Governor Baker, “NeverTrump Charlie,” is at the top of that list; we are building chink subway vehicles in Springfield (on the old Westinghouse property). No big deal though, because in Massachusetts we are accustomed to our betters stabbing us in the back. Charlie’s what passes for a Republican in this state…nothing but a running dog for the communi…err…Democrat party.

  6. Beachmom – here’s a fun fact, esp. the date:
    The CPUSA has not run their own candidate for President since 1984. That was the year they felt their ticket of Gus Hall and Angela Davis took votes away from Walter Mondale, and might have helped Ronald Reagan win. Ever since then, they have simply endorsed the Democrat, saying “he is close enough to what we want, an he has a real chance to win.”


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