Merkel Successor to Resign as Party Leader Citing Lack of Support – IOTW Report

Merkel Successor to Resign as Party Leader Citing Lack of Support

Breitbart: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the intended successor to Chancellor Angela Merkel as leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has announced her intentions to step down as party leader.

Ms Kramp-Karrenbaurer, known as AKK in Germany, made her announcement Monday during a press conference saying that she did not want to run for Chancellor of Germany in the next federal election and that she would also resign as leader of the CDU, Bild reports.

The successor to Chancellor Merkel, who was voted party leader in December of 2018, claimed that there was a distinct lack of support for her among fellow party members and a poll released over the weekend showed only 15 per cent of Germans thought she was the right person for the job. more here

2 Comments on Merkel Successor to Resign as Party Leader Citing Lack of Support

  1. Because of WWII they’ve been guilted into accepting hordes of violent ‘immigrant’ invaders.

    The global progressives are trying to demonize and eliminate Western European and North American culture, heritage and achievements. The genocide and atrocities that are used to shame Germany are being practiced in Africa and the Middle East right now and the perpetrators are getting a free pass.

    The UK is out of the EU and more countries may follow. I wonder if this realization will spur Germans to elect their own Trump like Britain did.

  2. @TheRealTruthSerum February 11, 2020 at 2:44 am

    > Because of WWII they’ve been guilted into accepting hordes of violent ‘immigrant’ invaders.

    Because of United States’ genocide, the people that remain within The United Nations’ duly authorized borders of “Germany”, want hordes of violent “immigrant” invaders.


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