Latest blow against campus censorship offers huge win for pro-life movement – IOTW Report

Latest blow against campus censorship offers huge win for pro-life movement

WaEx: It’s a big win for free speech: A lawsuit between a pro-life student group and a university has finally been resolved after a federal judge ruled that the university had discriminated against the group, and a settlement was reached.

California State University, San Marcos, agreed to change its policies for student fees and pay more than $240,000 following the federal court’s ruling. This is a win for all student groups but especially for those that espouse traditional, conservative, or minority views.

The backstory tells a chilling tale of campus censorship. The president of the school’s chapter of Students for Life, Nathan Apodaca, wanted to host a visiting speaker on “Abortion and Human Equality” and cover the person’s travel expenses, approximately $500. Despite the fact that all students pay a fee toward student groups, Apodaca was not allowed to access these funds and was told that student fees cannot cover travel costs. read more

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