A Detransitioner In Agony Recounts How Gender Doctors Manipulated Him Into Castration, Hormones – IOTW Report

A Detransitioner In Agony Recounts How Gender Doctors Manipulated Him Into Castration, Hormones

National Pulse:

[…] Fitz, 41, is originally from the Midwest and now resides in California. He is among the rising number of people known as “detransitioners,” having identified as transgender for over a decade. Fitz lived a “mostly stealth” life and frequently lied to coworkers, neighbors and new friends about his biological sex. Read more

27 Comments on A Detransitioner In Agony Recounts How Gender Doctors Manipulated Him Into Castration, Hormones

  1. Newsflash: The progressive movement defines compassion as exploitation of the tragic condition of vulnerable individuals to advance the left’s own political agenda.

    They have absolutely no functioning conscience. They live in a parallel Universe.

  2. Taking financial advantage of mentally ill people should be a crime.
    It’s worse than simple fraud or con-job.

    I’m not much of a bleeding heart, or particularly weepy, but we REALLY DO have a moral obligation to protect our weaker, more innocent members – and retards fall into that classification.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. There should be a standing Darwin Award for everyone who is surgically sterilized by sex-reassignment surgery.

    I thought there should have been one for all homosexuals, until I remembered the turkey baster.

  4. Just click somewhere off the ad (click on a blank section somewhere on the main page) and it will go away. I’ve noticed more sites using a pop up like that without the “X” to close it. This works on a PC – not sure about phones.

  5. I have a question to ask:

    Our immediate next door neighbors have a son (freshman in college this year) who started “identifying” as a girl last summer. The parents are both lawyers (not completely stupid), their family has attended the Lutheran church in the past, the grandparents — all but one grandfather — have not done anything except “be supportive” to this kid’s decision. His mother even referred to him by his new, girl name recently. The one grandfather who is circumspect about the whole thing won’t even make a stand.

    My question: Knowing what I know about how scary dangerous all this transgender stuff is — opens the kid up to serious sexual exploitation from perverts, underlying and untreated depression, suicide rates among young people trying to deal with it, the progression of treatments like the ones often described (from hormone blockers to genital mutilation), and the long-term outlook for so-called transgenders — should I stick my nose out and lay it on the line with these parents? I figure it’s not that great a risk. It’s not as if we are besties with these people, and I am quite worried about this kid.

  6. Oh, and the kid is attending an out-of-state college far from home — with no family in the nearby area. He’s one of triplets, including a brother. Each one is at a far off school, too.

  7. That’s a tough one, Abigail. Are the parents assholes to the kids? Because that could be this one’s way to get attention.

    Even in their 20s, people are still monkey see monkey do. Maybe that school is the influence.

  8. PJ — That popup is unusual. Scroll the page a bit and you’ll see the text move under the popup, and you’ll see some small text become more obvious that allows you to dismiss it

  9. MJA — No, they’ve never been “bad” parents in any obvious way, unless you count just letting their kids kinda do their own thang for much of their lives. The mom is a senior atty (partner?) at some big Seattle law firm and their dad started being a House Husband many years ago — though he’s spent much of his time just overseeing all the “help” (nannies, house cleaners, gardeners, painters, window washers, etc.). I don’t think he does anything except walk the dog occassionally (and they even have a dog trainer). The kids don’t even have to clean their own rooms. The fourth kid — not one of the triplets — spent most of her youth dressed in “alternative” clothing, including the orange/purple/blue hair. They have two very supportive and present set of grandparents (all but one, extremely liberal). The mom just works. All the time. And has the entire time they’ve lived next door — since the kids were pre-school age.

    The college wasn’t the influence for this boy. He changed his name (asked people to start calling him his new, girl name) in the spring/summer last year. Then he started experimenting with women’s clothing.

    I don’t know if his parents think this is just a passing phase and he’ll grow out of it or if they really have bought into all the progressive crap about how it’s normal and should be accepted. His parents are excessively P.C. and definitely vote Democrat.

  10. …it could be, too, that this kid is using transgenderism as a way to differentiate himself from his triplet sibs, although that has never seemed like a problem (they don’t look or act the same at all), but it could still be a way of seeking attention as one of four children.

    Ordinarily I would never think to interfere with someone’s family, but the stats for terrible outcomes is so overwhelming, really guaranteed.

  11. The first ripples in the coming tidal waves of lawsuits
    by victims of the greedy mob of goofy shrinks, immoral docs
    and political activists looking for any cause to create
    social disruption.
    These “Boys named Sue” will “Sue” indeed.

  12. A A, I’d do it, but be prepared for their backlash. When I was a young do gooder, we had a new employee in our office. She smelled, pretty foul. No way around it, her BO was bad. She was young, like 18, and she had pull to be employed there. None of the older women in the office would take her aside and talk to her.

    I learned that the main male boss was going to do it. I marched into his office and asked if I could try wither her mother before he said anything. I knew it would humiliate her. He was relieved.

    The mother raked me over the coals in that phone call, told me I was jealous of her daughter, (hardly) that she, the mother was a nurse and conscious of hygiene, and she was going to phone my boss to report me. I told her to please phone my boss.

    On Monday, at work, the girl would not look nor talk to me, but she didn’t gross anyone out in the office with her scent. This continued until I left the employment several months later to go to University full time. Others in the office, including the older “motherly types”who were chicken shit to talk with her about hygiene were silent, but seemed pleased I took the heat. Yes, I’d do it again.

  13. The tldr for anyone who didn’t read the whole article:

    The guy grew up in a secular home, never had gay feelings, but was very effeminate and felt like he didn’t belong.

    In the early 2000s he hears about transgenderism and is taken for a ride by this crazy progressive clinic in California, isn’t ever referred to a councilor or a psychiatrist at any point as he legally should have been before proceeding with hormone replacement or surgery, he gets his balls removed, doesn’t have sex for a year, when he does finally try (with a woman, he never went the gay route) he has blood mixed in with his sexual fluids.

    Guy confronts doctors, they ignore him or threaten to sue. Guy gets suicidal, misses his family that he cut off years ago when his transgender mind fuck first began, finally he reaches out to a christian law firm and some radical feminists and they help him.

    He’s got a messed up body now but he’s seeking help and he’s advocating for doctors who preform gender surgery to lose their licenses.

  14. I feel bad for him on a human level but his contemporaries are the type who sue for the right to not be treated by mental professionals, ruin the careers of people who don’t agree with them, destroy fairness in sports, and divert medical resources away from aids & cancer research only to form alliances with people who smash conservatives over the head with bike locks.

    So, live the remainder of your life knowing that you had 1 chance on this earth and you really wasted a lot of what God gave you.

    Sorry, I felt like a 6 foot 2 NHL player, but I’m a 5 foot 8 HVAC technician.


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