Adam Carolla: California would care about the homeless ‘if it could get money from them’ – IOTW Report

Adam Carolla: California would care about the homeless ‘if it could get money from them’


In an interview that aired Monday, comedian Adam Carolla told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that California’s government isn’t concerned about the poor because they can’t get money from them, adding that the ultra-poor are “untouchable.”

“[California officials] would care if they owe them money and they had money and they could get money from them,” Carolla told Carlson. “They care greatly about people who have checkbooks, but they’ve really divided the entire city into those who pay and those who can’t. And if you can’t, they’re not that interested.”

Carlson asked Carrolla about the growing homeless crisis in California and breakdown of the “rule of law.” Carolla explained that the middle class is who suffer most.

“If you’re Barbra Streisand. What do you care about a speeding ticket… and if you’re ultra-poor, you’re untouchable because you can’t get blood out of a turnip. You know, there’s nothing there. There’s there’s none. You can’t pay them,” Carolla said. “It’s the middle who gets the crap kicked out of them here in Los Angeles.” read more/watch.

8 Comments on Adam Carolla: California would care about the homeless ‘if it could get money from them’

  1. California progressives know what the problems are and how to solve them, but the solutions involve things conservatives stand for and that will never do. The homeless problem will never be solved by giving people homes; instead, restrictions need to be eased or, in many cases, eliminated to make housing more affordable. Many homeless people need mental help or substance abuse treatment. The homeless cannot be allowed to take over public parks, public squares or public pathways, but progressives can’t bring themselves to undertake the common sense action of removing them.

    California’s homeless need to be relocated in gated communities, where progressives congregate and dream up unworkable and grandiose plans to “solve” the homeless problem without actually having to have any contact with the homeless. Hollywood people can bloviate all they want, but until Streisand starts housing the homeless in her compound or Martin Sheen starts using his own property for sanctuary purposes, these people are nothing more than ignorant blowhards. I don’t begrudge successful people from enjoying the fruits of their success – until they start foisting the problems they make on the middle and lower middle class.

  2. I disagree with his headline statement, more along the lines of what JDHasty and JayPee said. They love the homeless because they can get more tax dollars from the rest because of the ‘crisis’ they have created, and also because they can get them to vote Democrat.
    I agree with his other comments – homeless people are mostly mentally ill and have nothing to lose, so will think nothing of damaging you or your property.

  3. well, SOMEbody’s making a lot of money off of this crisis. Not sure who. But independent contractors in Portland Metro area are tasked with cleaning up homeless campsites, and that can’t be cheap. Plus the Directors of the Non-Profit “Homeless” Centers do pretty well! I saw a guy with his shopping cart recently who looked worse off than a dog. Why doesn’t someone call that singer/lady that cares about all the stray dogs? Maybe she could help out. “In the armssss of the angelssss…” Sarah McLachlan?


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