Arizona: Celebrate and Protect The 2nd Amendment With RidersUSA – IOTW Report

Arizona: Celebrate and Protect The 2nd Amendment With RidersUSA

RidersUSA Celebrating the Second Amendment since 2014

2nd Amendment Rally Since the formation of RidersUSA, our organization has always been keenly aware of the importance and absolute necessity of maintaining the integrity of our Second Amendment. Citizens of this nation have the right to Keep and Bear Arms for purposes of defense against foreign invasion, the means to address a tyrannical government and to safeguard ourselves, families and property from the criminal element. RidersUSA has been sponsoring these annual events since 2014 in a mission to maintain and promote awareness of these fundamental God Given rights. 

Open Carry is the Law in Arizona and at this Rally

Since joining the Union in 1912, Arizona has always maintained the reputation of exemplifying what our 2nd Amendment is all about.  Any  citizen who is at least 18 years of age can “open carry” a firearm, while those 21 years of age or older can “conceal carry” without a permit. In accordance with the premise of our 2nd Amendment, hand guns and long rifles are welcomed at this event. However all relevant State and Federal laws in regard to the transport and/or carry of firearms will be enforced. More

h/t Hop4Arizona
Hop Nguyen, Conservative for Senate Legislative District 22.

7 Comments on Arizona: Celebrate and Protect The 2nd Amendment With RidersUSA

  1. Arizona is gettin’ crowded. You can’t plop down just anywhere any more. Or at least where I live. Look and visit before buying. The last thing you want is to be near new multi home developments.

  2. Go ask these guys. Literally up the road.

    But anywhere out of city limits is cool in Arizona. I can shoot anything up to .38 in my backyard….but keep it to .22s now because of neighbors.

    Inside city limit, people have to deal with city for water and sewage, gun limits…blah blah blah.

    Outside city limits, you can pull over on the side of the road and cut loose.

    Please don’t shoot saguaro cactus and please don’t start a forest fire with ejected brass.

    That’s about it. Open carry, conceal carry, brass knuckles….sword canes….. it’s fun.

  3. I wish I lived in districts like Hop’s and his brother Quang I’d vote for them in a hot minute! They are more patriotic than your average natural bore American, I know them personally and will stand by that!


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