Dude, What Gives? How Ocasio-Cortez Caused Some Friction with the Sanders Campaign – IOTW Report

Dude, What Gives? How Ocasio-Cortez Caused Some Friction with the Sanders Campaign

She forgets to mention his name at the rallies.


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has been a key ally of Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is now the undisputed Democratic frontrunner for president after his win in New Hampshire this week. Yet, there appears to be some friction between the two camps concerning the stump speeches AOC has been giving on behalf of Sanders. The Vermont democratic socialist was stuck in Washington for the Trump impeachment circus prior to the Iowa Caucus, which turned out to be a disaster regarding tallying the votes. It was a short three-day swing, but as Vanity Fair reported, it caused some friction between the two camps. For starters, AOC went gung-ho on the anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement bit which does not play well with Rust Belt voters. Second, and probably most importantly, Ocasio-Cortez didn’t even drop Sanders’ name—you know, the guy she was stumping for since he was grounded in the Senate chamber (via Vanity Fair):

Ocasio-Cortez has undeniably been a boon to the Sanders campaign—she endorsed him in October, as he recovered from his heart attack, which was crucial to him regaining his momentum. But Ocasio-Cortez’s star power and independence make her a wild card. In Iowa, while AOC didn’t exactly go rogue, her performance stoked some tensions between herself and the Sanders campaign.

Following Ocasio-Cortez’s three-day stint, Sanders’s campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, texted AOC’s campaign manager to express his dissatisfaction with aspects of her performance, according to a source familiar with the exchange. Specifically, the Sanders campaign was miffed that Ocasio-Cortez didn’t mention Sanders by name when she closed out a campaign event at the University of Iowa on a Friday night at the end of last month—a fact that Fox News picked up on. (The Sanders campaign noted that this was one of the first campaign events Ocasio-Cortez did without Sanders, who she typically would introduce at the end of her remarks but he was in Washington, D.C. for the impeachment trial. Any reminder to mention the Senator was “good natured ribbing,” according to the campaign.) . MORE

10 Comments on Dude, What Gives? How Ocasio-Cortez Caused Some Friction with the Sanders Campaign

  1. I’ve never has a ‘comfortable screw on the beach’ … ever!
    sand in the cooch is NEVER good …. NEVER!!!
    (the old ‘sand in the Vaseline’ joke)

    btw, never had a comfortable screw in the water either … water sucks as a lubricant

    … but, not for lack of trying …

  2. ever notice that drinks w/ long names are usually fruity-glopsberry-chick drinks w/ no character & little taste, other than over-sweetness, a plastic straw & an umbrella? like AOC, I can get it for a dollar at Applebees

    & speaking of ‘friction’, kinda like a ‘screw on the beach’ … no real romanticism or passion (unless you think brushing sand off your penis is romantic) … just a fantasy-world visual

    don’t get me wrong … I love Fireball, love the burn, but it’s not quality. & the older I get I just want quality, not necessarily the numbing sweetness … it’s all good

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