Deval Patrick drops out of Democratic presidential race – IOTW Report

Deval Patrick drops out of Democratic presidential race

I didn’t know he was in it –

WE: Deval Patrick ended his long-shot Democratic presidential campaign after failing to gain traction during his last-minute bid in a crowded field of candidates.

“The vote in New Hampshire last night was not enough for us to create the practical wind at the campaign’s back to go on to the next round of voting. So I have decided to suspend the campaign, effective immediately,” Patrick said in a statement Wednesday. read more

16 Comments on Deval Patrick drops out of Democratic presidential race

  1. He should be able to parley the support from those 5 supporters that showed at his rally into big things for his future. The country isn’t quite ready for Obama part II yet.


  2. Deevall will make a great Vice President! He’s the perfect running mate for Vice President Biden in his quest to become President Biden. If this doesn’t get former President Baracky Osmidgen to endorse former Vice President Biden for President, nothing will. He’s black, he’s really soft spoken, he’s inoffensive, and he’s also not much of a liar. Nobody can call him a lying, doggy-faced, Ponytailed-Shouldered Fella. He’s a clean, articulated, storyboard. Deevall will help Our Joey in North Carolina and Oklahoma with the base. I’m going to turn this over to Jill now. She’s the best interpreter of Malarkey I know.


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