Everybody Hates Romney – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Romney

Even the Dems who pretend to like him.

WE: Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney won’t have to look over his shoulder for any White House efforts to punish him for voting to convict President Trump on an impeachment charge.

That’s because the payback is much more likely to come from fellow GOP senators who are considering holding up any Romney initiatives, we hear. more

15 Comments on Everybody Hates Romney

  1. When you have no principles, you can’t be disturbed by lack of character – your own or anyone else’s.

    Mittens is undeterred. He is just as self-justified as the twisted little boy who wipes boogers on the front window pane of the local diner. He sees it as some weird triumph in an absurdist, conspiratorial world. Like the snotty little boy, all his efforts come to naught with a bit of Windex and a paper towel.

    Mitten’s triumph is a sober reflection on the transitoriness of human endeavor, however puerile and contemptuous. He has (figuratively) spread his asscheeks for the socialist/totalitarian/Demonrats – let them do with him what they will.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So, RINOs are on the “Trump Train”….for now. They see an opportunity to gain control of all the corruption/graft schemes the Dems have controlled for so long. After Trump is out of office in 2025 they can get the lions share instead of the “crumbs” the dems have let them have for the last 50+ years. I hate most politicians (not all) and that’s only a crime if you include dems.

  3. Hate is a strong word. That said, it applies to this self absorbed, lying schemer bent on getting what he wants no matter who he has to destroy.

    It’s justice, in a way, that he is destroying the only thing he loves. Himself.

  4. Well paint me green and call me a pickle: I’m an opinion leader. I had a natural aversion to the piece of shit the first time I saw him on the national stage before the Atlanta Olympics

  5. I don’t hate the piece of shit. Hate is far too mild a word. I don’t know that there are words in the English language that express the contemptuous disrespect I have for Romney though.


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