Chicago: Kim Foxx Blames ‘The Era of Donald Trump’ For Her Own, Jussie’s Problems – IOTW Report

Chicago: Kim Foxx Blames ‘The Era of Donald Trump’ For Her Own, Jussie’s Problems

DW: Cook County States Attorney Kim Foxx responded to news that an special prosecutor issued new charges against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who allegedly faked a hate crime back in January of 2019, by blaming “politics” and the “era of Donald Trump” for her office’s woes.

Special Prosecutor Dan Webb issued the indictment against Smollett late Tuesday, charging the actor with six “low-level felonies” according to the Chicago Sun-Times, after investigators, rehashing the evidence against Smollett, determined that he likely faked being the victim of a racist, homophobic attack early in the morning of January 19, outside of his apartment in Chicago’s tony Streeterville neighborhood.

Webb’s harshest words, though, weren’t for Smollett, but for Foxx’s office, which he feels gave Smollett special treatment despite the wealth of evidence linking Smollett to a series of crimes. The Cook County State’s Attorney allowed Smollett to walk free without standing trial, inking an unofficial “plea deal” with the actor that absolved him of the charges in return for sixteen hours of community service and $10,000, which Smollett had already submitted to the city as part of his bond. read more

16 Comments on Chicago: Kim Foxx Blames ‘The Era of Donald Trump’ For Her Own, Jussie’s Problems

  1. I’m still waiting to see one example of homophobia. It just doesn’t exist. Does anyone have video or image of someone acting like this around a homo? Evidence must exist since I can’t go a day without reading about the act of homophobia.

  2. Yeah, if we had had a Hitlery presidency, all kinds of corruption everywhere would never have seen the light of day. With Trump, the left has tipped their hand and made their methods more visible to more citizens, some of whom possess thought.
    Wait, you’re suggesting what YOU did wasn’t political? Y’all were trying to hoax some people into incarceration for political purposes. True justice dictates you should be doing their time.

  3. “Homophobia?”
    Some may fear the multifarious diseases associated with homosexuality, but I don’t know of any who fear homosexuality, per se – it isn’t contagious.

    It IS an abomination – but we (Christians) should feel sympathy for the afflicted, not fear or hatred. The musselmen dispose of them, as the Orthodox Jews teach (see Leviticus), but the Christian tradition is more of “there but by the grace of God …” and leave them to their immortal reckoning.

    Mostly it’s a “false flag” and a digression or diversion from something else.
    And it’s obvious that a homosexual must self-proclaim – no normal person wants to sneak around and peek into their boudoir. It draws attention to itself for purposes known only to itself, a purpose that we can only speculate.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Tim….it is all that Christian sympathy and tolerance that is leading to our destruction. Did God tolerate Sodom and Gomorrah? You don’t have to hate them, but you don’t have to let them rule the world either.

  5. I blame all of this on those two Nigerians. How could they have thought they could get away with pretending to be white, homophobic, acid tossing, rope toting, MAGA Country loving,Trump supporting racists for a measly $3,500? What are they, dumber than their master, Jussie Smollett? Apparently, they were.

  6. Anonymous,
    Didn’t imply that we should let them rule the world – or the elementary schools – or anything else, for that matter.
    We just don’t have to kill them (as prescribed by the Koran and Leviticus).
    Don’t have to tolerate their behavior at all – I don’t know why we allow sex in the town square – straight, perverted, or otherwise.

    Some things are personal.
    I know that in this “Hey! Look at ME!” period we’re suffering through that’s a lot to ask, but it would alleviate a lot of tension.

    izlamo delenda est …


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