Pets Earn Their Keep – IOTW Report

Pets Earn Their Keep

What has your pet done for you lately? More than you might think!

13 Comments on Pets Earn Their Keep

  1. my pup left two wonderful dookies in the yard today for me to pick up

    & took my spot on the couch
    & snubbed her nose at the bacon from my salad I was trying to give her
    & ripped all the stuffing out of her chew-toy for me to pick up
    & decided to jump up & lay on my pillow, shedding hair all over it
    & scooch her butt all over the family room carpet

    … & she ain’t done giving yet …

  2. Republicans falling all over themselves to denounce Limbaugh making fun of buttboy kissing his ‘husband’ on stage. These republicans say we’re a more tolerant country than that. lmao

    1 Nobody deserves to be discriminated against because of who they are.
    You mean unless THEY ARE aw white nationalist?

    2 Nobody should be discriminated against because of who they love.
    You mean unless they love white people?

    3 What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is nobody’s business.
    You mean unless those two people are discussing their white nationalist views?

    Nobody is an easy word to define.
    If the three points i’ve list above haven’t convinced you that everything those fucking deviants say is a bald faced lie, then you don’t want to know the truth.

    Being a white nationalist, white supremecist, etc, etc, is no more illegal or immoral than being a queer.

    The republican party isn’t going to save anyone from anything.

  3. Our new American Maine Coon kitten has torn me to pieces just being a kitten. I keep threatening to skin him alive, but it’s too late. I’ve already fallen for the little dickens.

  4. We have large wads of shed kitty hair everywhere. I told my husband that at our age, we really shouldn’t vaccuum them up but let them continue to accumulate. At our age, we are likely to fall at any time and the fluffy stuff on the floor will save us from broken bones.


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