Carville fires back at Sanders for ‘hack’ slam: ‘At least I’m not a communist’ – IOTW Report

Carville fires back at Sanders for ‘hack’ slam: ‘At least I’m not a communist’

James Carville fired back at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for calling him “a political hack,” calling the self-described democratic socialist “a communist.” The back and forth follows a week in which Carville has repeatedly sounded the alarm about a potential Sanders match-up against President Trump in November, calling the scenario “the end of days” for the Democratic Party while referring to Sanders supporters as “a cult.” 

Sanders returned fire on Wednesday night during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, arguing that “political hack” Carville represents the establishment his campaign is running against. “James, in all due respect, is a political hack,” Sanders said. “We are taking on Trump, the Republican establishment, Carville and the Democratic establishment. But at the end of the day, the grassroots movement that we are putting together — of young people, of working people, of people of color — want real change.” 

Carville, who worked as a campaign strategist for former President Clinton, escalated the feud Thursday on Snapchat with former CNN reporter Peter Hamby. more

14 Comments on Carville fires back at Sanders for ‘hack’ slam: ‘At least I’m not a communist’

  1. I listened to a Bernie Bro on Levin while I was traveling Wednesday.

    The Bro stated he does menial labor and was upset that someone, who presumably could afford it, would spend a million dollars on a wrist watch. The total amount that he would make in a lifetime. His premise was that individual shouldn’t be allowed to, and that this person’s million dollars should be spent helping people.

    Levin shut him down, but this is the mentality of these envious asshole-losers that support Bernie. They actually want to dictate how you spend your money, and it better meet the societal needs as determine by them.

  2. This is one of those moments a balance has been achieved, for me.

    Where I disagree with both people on a fundamental level and agree with both in what they say about each other.

    It’s like I’m at the four state intersection and straddling all four states at the same time.

    I both disagree and agree with them completely.

  3. Since when?
    If you believe in communist shit, you’re a communist – regardless of what you call yourself.
    Carville’s a communist in the sense that he wants to accrete ALL power into the hands of a small oligarchy under the guise of socialism. Socialism and communism are different in the same sense that moslem is different from izlam.
    A distinction without a difference.

    izlamo delenda est …


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