Bernie Sanders single-payer healthcare system failed in his own state – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders single-payer healthcare system failed in his own state

WaEx: Bernie Sanders is now the Democratic front-runner, but to win the party’s nomination, he must convince moderate primary voters that his signature policy, Medicare for All, is a worthwhile venture. But before he can do that, he must prove that it’s realistic, too.

Sanders’s home state, however, is proof that it’s not.

Vermont was supposed to pave the way for a single-payer healthcare system. The Democratic-controlled state legislature drafted the bill in 2014, and Democrat Gov. Peter Shumlin was ready to sign it into law. But then Shumlin realized he had a problem: He couldn’t pay for it.

The 11.5% payroll tax on small business and sliding premiums of up to 9.5% on people’s incomes “might hurt our economy,” Shumlin admitted.

“These are simply not tax rates that I can responsibly support or urge the Legislature to pass,” the governor said at the time. “In my judgment, the potential economic disruption and risks would be too great to small businesses, working families, and the state’s economy.” read more

8 Comments on Bernie Sanders single-payer healthcare system failed in his own state

  1. The 11.5% payroll tax on small business and sliding premiums of up to 9.5% on people’s income

    Excuse me, but the cheapest Bronze healthcare plan for my family of 4 costs us 16% of our GROSS family income right NOW. That’s 20% of net – one fifth – $20 for every $100 we bring home. Then when I go to get 4 stitches in my hand it’s another $40 co-pay and another $300 for what insurance doesn’t cover.

  2. Come on, it has nothing to do with ‘success or failure,’ and eveything to do with fascist control so they otherwise loser leftists can loot the nation.

    Remember, sanders didn’t even have a paying job till he was forty!!!!!!!!

  3. If it wasn’t for their sham profiles and support by traitors in this country and seditionists from without, what else would obama, tlaib, pelosi, oma, cortez etc do to make the kind of money the can in politics.

    Seriously think about that.

  4. The Old Mad Hatter doesn’t care if any of his putrid commie scams work he just want’s the low functioning Democrat voters to think that he will give them all ‘Free Stuff”!

  5. you know what they’re gonna say …

    ‘yeah, well it couldn’t work on a small-state level because they don’t have the resources, but w/ all the money of the federal gov’t, it’ll really work this time Rocky!’


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