Roger Stone Requests A New Trial, Citing Revelations About Anti-Trump Juror – IOTW Report

Roger Stone Requests A New Trial, Citing Revelations About Anti-Trump Juror

Daily Caller:

Defense lawyers for Roger Stone requested a new trial for the GOP operative Friday in a secret court filing that, according to a source familiar with the matter, focuses on revelations that came out this week about the foreperson of Stone’s jury.

Revelations about Tomeka Hart, the lead juror at Stone’s trial, prompted the last-ditch effort by Stone’s legal team. He is scheduled to be sentenced in his case on Feb. 20. read more

7 Comments on Roger Stone Requests A New Trial, Citing Revelations About Anti-Trump Juror

  1. I’m sick of anyone who supports Trump being open to attack,
    injustice, kangaroo courts and star chambers while the traitorous McCabes and Comeys walk free.
    Special legal exemptions for Democrat and Rino royalty
    is not acceptable in a Republic.

  2. I was reading the latest post on CTH and I have to say although I do believe Barr is not going to do anything, if nothing is done then we will have no choice but to get to the point that even President Donald J Trump will do nothing and if he will do nothing, then we’re more screwed than we ever thought.
    He is the only man in my lifetime who I believed could actually “drain the swamp” so to speak.
    Our only option at that point is for the people to stand up and overthrow the government. I just don’t see that ever happening, too many generations allowed the government to have more power and more weapons than the people. We don’t have bombs and missiles.

    Time and time again I hear “democracy” even by Republicans and democracies fail, so maybe they’re right and the people have allowed our Republic to become a democracy. It was a nice run, but it’s really starting to look like it’s over.

  3. Bad Brad I do hope you’re right. It’s pretty obvious the Senate is not going to allow him an AG with balls. I had confidence in Barr until the DOJ announced McCabe was cleared. I quit trusting the plan then.
    The only plan I can see for POTUS now is declassify everything and post it on government website along with social media.


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