Watch Jussie Trudeau bow to Iran – IOTW Report

Watch Jussie Trudeau bow to Iran

PostMillennial: Trudeau bows to Iranian regime after they murdered 57 Canadians.

A month after 57 Canadians were killed by the Iranian regime, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been pictured greeting Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif with a smile—and bowing.

Trudeau met with Zarif in Munich, Germany, at a security conference. Trudeau is currently on a world tour, attempting to drum up support for a seat on the UN Security Council.

The footage of Trudeau bowing was captured on Iranian state TV, and was shared to Twitter by Brian Lilley.

Social media users were outraged to see what they see as “subservience.” Simon Jefferies tweeted: “A bow. A happy grin. A 15-second handshake. I can’t even begin to imagine how the families of the 57 Canadians on that plane would feel seeing this.” read more/WATCH

28 Comments on Watch Jussie Trudeau bow to Iran

  1. Right now, as we speak, there are Indian (native) protesters blocking many rail lines in Canada.

    Yesterday in the news they were saying that of all things chlorine for potable water treatment was starting to run low in certain places that were not being made public so as to avoid panic. Quebec is also concerned about propane shortages.

    No mention of Oil or Gas because we don’t want to piss of the public against the Natives.

    The protesters are blocking rail lines to protest against oil pipelines. Pipelines which are safer at transporting oil. (we just had another derailment & fire last week in the west)

    If there was ever a reason to build pipelines it is to 1) Get the oil off the very tracks that are currently being blocked, and 2) Increase the safety of transport.

    There are many natives that would be GREAT at inspecting, protecting, maintaining, the pipelines. Good paying jobs.

    Trudeau says, “it is not federal responsibility.”

    RCMP – pulling their plonkers as per the Turdo

    Provinces say, “it is a federal issue.” So the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) brought them a bottle of maple syrup as a gift to encourage more dialog & show good faith. (as if they don’t have their own fucking syrup)

    Meanwhile the OPP ticketed people who had to turn around on a native blocked highway (401) to get home to their families or run out of gasoline in -20C deg weather.

    The Turd has been on vacation for most of December and January.

    Now he is touring Africa & giving away money in hopes of getting votes for a UN security counsel seat. (literally as the fuel train was burning)

    To see him bent over and kissing the asses on the bastards who shot down a civilian jet last month is EXACTLY what I would expect him to do.

    I am GRATEFUL that this web site exposes all the shit he does because our Canadian media barely does.

    Thanks IOTW.

  2. Different Tim@

    I’ll watch him on TV tomorrow. I bet that he will cough up a few feathers from having his face buried in a Pillow!

    No sense watching how he walks because he always walks funny.

  3. Trudeau just doing his best post-inaugural
    Obama imitation to suck up to the
    moslem terrorist pigs’

    He was elected to take care of Canadians

    He wants to suck up to and on Moslems.

  4. The worst idiots ever are those who don’t recognize their enemies – the very ones who will cut their throats and laugh about it afterwards. That is the pussy Trudeau. Child of a whore mother and a communist dictator.

  5. Canada. That’s America’s largest national park, right? A dysfunctional group of loyalists too cowardly to rebel against the crown, some 200+ years after it was not dangerous to do so.

    And a large part of that hot mess of nation’ is frogleg french.

  6. Trudeau is a classic bum, and a coward of a leader – just like barry obama.

    They ‘bow’ to dictators and trash free leaders becuase it’s easy: the dictators smile at them (all while plotting to destroy them), and the free leaders have to hold their fire against them.

    The two greatest corrupt pussies in modern history have to be obama and trudeau. Pete Butthead is a wanna-be.

    Think about if Ghandi was protesting in Nazi Germany or in the Soviet Union: he’d be dead in an hour. But in British-occupied India, he was free to protest unmolested. Now, think about the bravery of Soviet dissidents.

    Now, let’s get back to obama and trudeau: if they were with you on the battlefield, you KNOW those two would cut and run.

    Obama and trudueau missed their time in history: should have been working for Vichy France.

  7. Barry and Trudy are insufferable narcissists. They really don’t care about the devastation they have caused. All that matters to them is constant attention – good or bad.

    Canada needs their version of Brexit. How about Canexit, or something similar. Shake off those monarchy shackles, then maybe you will get your own Mr. Trump.

    BTW, It’s great to see Canadian conservatives commenters on this site. We are neighbors after all. As conservatives we need to respect and appreciate each other
    – no matter the nationality.

  8. 99th@

    What are we going to exit from? the only thing we can leave is ourselves.

    The West ( minus the City of Vancouver) are talking “Wexit” for Westerners Leaving. Quebec elected a huge bunch of separatists who want to leave. And Many Northern natives never considered themselves Canadian.

    Incidentally, I found an article where 24 of the “Wetsuwet” (however the fuck they spell it) natives are back on the pipeline building it. The Natives themselves are all over the map on this issue but the ones getting 95% of the press are the rail blockers.

    Also, I’m not a good reference as a Canadian Conservative. I’m just tired of always working, never taking, and then being told I’m the problem by the Idiot not in Ottawa very often.

  9. Kcir (2 Faced Trudeau)
    Canadians may not be subjects of the Crown, but your govenment is still entangle in a parliamentary snare, that seems to be politically influenced by the monarchy.

    Maybe a literal “exit” isn’t an option, but a more aggressive opposion against a socialist like Trudeau is possible.

    As far as you not being a conservative, I might have assumed, based on your comments freedom and liberty without the restraint of tryanny was your concern like all conservatives. Conservatism must have a different political dynamic in Canada.

  10. Ok Kcir, your comment about Canadian Conservatives makes sense now. It’s a cultural thing.

    I’m not at the Attila or Vlad level, but I’m tough on crime and absolutely NOT a squishy “compassionate” conservative like the RINO Bush clan.

    Hang in there, Kcir.


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