NYC subway thief thanks Democrats after his 139th arrest, release: ‘Bail reform, it’s lit!’ – IOTW Report

NYC subway thief thanks Democrats after his 139th arrest, release: ‘Bail reform, it’s lit!’

“The Democrats know me and the Republicans fear me. You can’t touch me! I can’t be stopped!”

FOX: A New York City man who’s now been arrested 139 times thanked Democrats for guaranteeing his immediate release despite repeatedly swiping hundreds of dollars from unsuspecting subway commuters since the state’s new bail reform law went into effect Jan. 1.

Charles Barry, 56, has been arrested six times since the start of this year. He’s been released each time without having to post bail under New York’s new bail reform law since his alleged offenses were nonviolent, the New York Daily News reported. In the past, Barry’s served several stints in state prison and has a lengthy record, including six felonies, 87 misdemeanors and 21 missed court hearings, the newspaper reported, citing court records.

“Bail reform, it’s lit!” Barry yelled to reporters Thursday outside the NYPD Transit District 1 headquarters in the Columbus Circle station before officers transported him to Manhattan Central Booking. “It’s the Democrats! The Democrats know me and the Republicans fear me. You can’t touch me! I can’t be stopped!” read more

14 Comments on NYC subway thief thanks Democrats after his 139th arrest, release: ‘Bail reform, it’s lit!’

  1. It’s New York City! If he were coughing the Wuhan virus all over them, I’d be happier. If he could accidentally discover runaway cold fusion, I’d be ecstatic! But, in this [the current year], we have to accept what little joy we’re offered. God speed, Mr. Barry! God speed.

  2. FTA: Legal Aid Society, which represents Barry, argued…..
    “Mr. Barry’s case underscores the need for economic stability and meaningful social services, not a need to roll back bail reform,” the society said in a statement. “Locking up Mr. Barry on unaffordable bail or worse, remanding without bail, ultimately does nothing to protect the public and fails entirely to address his actual needs.”

    Herein lies the problem. “Mister Barry” is afforded the whole of govt to “serve and protect” HIS interests. Unsuspecting victims….not so much.
    I guess the idiots who keep voting these imbeciles into office will now have to live with the “you broke it, you bought it” consequences.

  3. I would love to see AOC get hit by one of these guys real soon and lose her Gov. laptop and her purse. A bonus would be if she got pushed down and told to shut her yap.
    Lets see how she likes it. She would howl like a stuck pig,where is my justice,and I want it now.

  4. democRATz sowing mahem and chaos in hopes of igniting a Goetz type shooting so they can confiscate guns!
    At the very least they need to be unelected. If I had my way they would be prosecuted and jailed for intentionally putting the public in harm’s way!!
    Hell, who needs enemies when ya got rat-bastard Commie politicians like this?
    Never let a good crisis go to waste!
    Aint got one?
    Make one!!

  5. The man knows there are no consequences.

    Lefties believe that stiffer sentences do not deter crime.

    This Child O Theirs just proved that light sentences (none in this case) cause recidivism.

    The sad thing is that those 139 New Yorkers will most likely still vote Demo.


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