‘Order at the border’: Mean Boss Klobuchar demands illegal immigrants learn English in 2006 clip – IOTW Report

‘Order at the border’: Mean Boss Klobuchar demands illegal immigrants learn English in 2006 clip

But not any more.

2020 presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar once called for the United States to restore “order at the border” by building a fence and cracking down on companies who hire illegal immigrants, according to a recently unearthed 2006 video.

“I do believe that we need more resources at the border, and that includes a fence,” Klobuchar said during a 2006 debate. “We have people waiting to come in legally, thousands of people waiting to come in legally to this country, and we have people coming in illegally — that’s not right.”

“We need to get order at the border,” she continued.

Klobuchar did express support for amnesty in the clip by offering a path to citizenship for people currently in the country illegally, but she also included the caveat that those potential citizens must learn English first.

“Finally, I believe we need to give people who have been in this country for a number of years, who are willing to pay their taxes, who are willing to learn English, who are willing to pay the fines the chance for earned citizenship,” the Minnesota senator said. read more

6 Comments on ‘Order at the border’: Mean Boss Klobuchar demands illegal immigrants learn English in 2006 clip

  1. Her thinking on the matter has “matured”. She now realizes that these days to get elected to higher office as a Democrat, you have to pander, just say anything, including lie.

  2. 2006 – supports amnesty for people currently in the country illegally, those potential citizens must learn English first.
    2020 – English should not be the official language of the United States.
    2006 – used Nair in an effort to combat her 5 O’clock shadow.
    2020 – still using Nair not realizing the battle has been lost long ago,,,
    Will answer questions when reporters shout “Jim Jim”…


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