Sanders Calls for Recount of Iowa Caucuses After Final Vote Revealed – IOTW Report

Sanders Calls for Recount of Iowa Caucuses After Final Vote Revealed

Huh. I missed this one. Bring popcorn.

6 Comments on Sanders Calls for Recount of Iowa Caucuses After Final Vote Revealed

  1. Sanders, you idiot , the


    are going to sink you anyway

    George Soros says so
    just like

    Soros in 2016
    just like in

    April 2008, when Gyorgy Schwanz
    declared Hill-Ree no longer ” inevitable ”

    Bo-Rack Hoo-Sane Oh’ Bama anointed
    to be president


    George Soros

    did the anointing

    and all the smellocratic party
    fell in line.

    George Soros has owned the
    smellocratic party at least since then

    Does he still own it ?

    Watch how all this chaos unfoldeds

    It will be obvious who the smellocrats
    are owned by.

  2. Those Founding Fathers were sure a bunch of Dummies, they formed a Republic instead of a Dumbocracy, History shows than dumbocracies are too often taken over and subjugated by a dictator.


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