Bloomberg: President Donald Trump Won Last Night’s Debate – IOTW Report

Bloomberg: President Donald Trump Won Last Night’s Debate

Dan Michael Bloomberg made his debut on the debate stage last night – which he probably regretted only minutes in.

Elizabeth Warren immediately threw a tomahawk at Bloomberg’s credibility in her opening remarks, blasting the billionaire over sexist comments he’d allegedly made. She’d later press him hard about NDAs he had women who worked for him sign – and his excuse, that they were simply because people got offended at jokes he made, were immediately met with laughter from the audience. more

4 Comments on Bloomberg: President Donald Trump Won Last Night’s Debate

  1. Yup, Trump won.

    Two things I haven’t seen mentioned much in the media.

    Bloomie’s justified zinger at Sanders’s complaint about the tax code (Sanders has been in Congress for decades, doing absolutely nothing.)

    And Sanders’s scary comment that workers should own 20% of their companies and companies might have to be “forced” to do this. (Outright deadly communism!)


    And Sanders’s scary comment that workers should own 20% of their companies and companies might have to be “forced” to do this. (Outright deadly communism!)

    for over 90 years Janitors, secretaries, accountants… have been on the Boards of German companies! Right after the Marxists(Socialist Workers not Communists!) won the ’32 election they passed many laws that we imitated: Social Security, Fair Labor Standards, IRA (later ruled bad by Supremes). Since ’33 workers, and only workers, elect between 25% and 33% of the Boards of all German businesses!

    there are janitors on German boards as I type!

    Ich bin ein Trueful Hund!

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