California: That Freelance Job-Killing Law Is So Bad, Legislature May Dump It Next Week – IOTW Report

California: That Freelance Job-Killing Law Is So Bad, Legislature May Dump It Next Week

PJM: Former California union lobbyist and organizer Lorena Gonzalez barely lost her stride when she transitioned from her spot at the AFL-CIO into her role as California state assemblywoman in 2013. Since then, Gonzalez has done everything she can to turn working Californians into unionistas. To her, every subset of people is a potential bargaining unit. And to that end, she authored the disastrous Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) to destroy freelance work and eviscerate the so-called gig economy.

Everyone, Democrats included, scorn this law that would deprive them of the flexibility of working when they want, for whom they want – themselves. And they’re as mad as hornets that someone would presume to tell them how to schedule their time. read more

12 Comments on California: That Freelance Job-Killing Law Is So Bad, Legislature May Dump It Next Week

  1. I’ve been getting a number of emails about how this effects voice over artists. If they do one spot a week for a client, this law would define them as an employee of that client.

    I would also imagine that this would affect freelance radio engineers who work for a number of small stations.

    When will the people of California realize that Democrats are not their friends? Oh, but they are proud of their “top two” primary system and their “non-partisan” districting board. They are probably also proud of illegal aliens voting and making sure that all the ballots found in broom closets are counted.

  2. Funny thing is this law impacts the age and demographics of your average foaming at the mouth Libtard right between their squinty little eyes. It takes revenue to pay for all that free shit.

  3. Don’t you love it when a liberal plan comes together
    and blows humongous ball of shit all over them?
    The people who voted the socialist, state wrecking scallywags in got what they deserved.

  4. John
    FEBRUARY 21, 2020 AT 7:05 PM

    “…The people who voted the socialist, state wrecking scallywags in got what they deserved.”

    …and yet they’ll still blame Trump and vote Democrat, go figure…

  5. Well, I suppose requiring “employers” to pay “employees” — straight cash money, no ups, no downs, no tax shifting perquisites — would achieve the same thing.

    But where’s the union fun(ds), in that?

  6. Hey Gavin, what would you think about a doctor writing a prescription to stay at your house? Then after your house fills up they can use Pelosi’s, Waters, Schiff’s, etc. etc. Why is Gavin Newsom trying to ruin California?

  7. So you can’t pick someone up in your own car and negotiate a transportation fee, or allow someone to rent a room in your house for a day or two, and you now can’t distribute your own labor as you see fit.

    Next thing they are going to say you can’t lease your own body for sex or decide what funny looking plant you can or cannot inhale!

    Afghanistani tribal members are nore free…..



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