Parental Consent Bill Passes FL House – IOTW Report

Parental Consent Bill Passes FL House Florida Politics’ Juicy Read – 2.21.20 – Parental Consent Bill Passes FL House – School Safety Bill Up Next.

Big Win For Babies


Now that I have made my position on abortion perfectly clear, I will remind you that the parental consent for the abortion bill in the FL House has passed and is now headed to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ desk.

Yeah, it’s getting signed into law.

Republican legislators like Rep. Chris Latvala, Erin Gray, Anthony Sabatini, Chip LaMarca and many others are giving themselves High Five’s after the vote, while pro-Choice Democrats like Reps. Anna Eskamani and Carlos “Carlitos” Guillermo Smith are shaking their head in disappointment.

What’s that old election year cliché?

Ah yes, elections have consequences, and the Republican-led state legislature and the Republican governor are taking full advantage of their majority. more

3 Comments on Parental Consent Bill Passes FL House

  1. Wow does this bring back a sad memory. While sidewalk counseling we watchas a car with a woman driving swooped past us. In the car was a teen boy and girl. The car did not stop for even a second. Into PP goes the woman and the teen couple accompanied by the PP death squad from the parking lot.

    Speeding in about 15 minutes later, a man and woman swoop in and ask us if a teen coupe and woman drove in. Yes. Well, the man and woman were the parents of the pregnant teen. The woman in the car prior was the mother of the boy. The boy’s mother brought them in for an abortion against the girl’s parents’ will.

    A few minutes after the parents went in, they were escorted out by the parking lot death squad. Parents were crying and loud argument took place. The parents stopped by me, and told me what happened. When they went in, they were told by PP ghouls that it was too late. That the girl was already inseminated with laminaria to dialate her uterus. PP lied to parents because thatcan be removed. Parents went on their way, but not before the death squad yelled at me for bothering grieving parents, to which the girl’s father yelled at them that I was not bothering them, that it was their fault for their grief.

    I don’t feel I am subject to privacy code here, because this took place out in public. We prayed for all involved. Okay, I confess, it was difficult and near impossible to pray for the ghouls.


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