Biden to gun manufacturers: ‘I’m coming for you. Period’ – IOTW Report

Biden to gun manufacturers: ‘I’m coming for you. Period’

What an idiot.

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Washington Examiner: 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised gun manufacturers across the United States that he’s “coming for them.”

“A guy has 12 assault weapons with bump stocks, which means you can fire it faster. You can pull the trigger faster,” Biden said to a crowd during a CNN town hall. “Why in God’s name should anyone, anyone, anyone, anyone be able to own that? It’s just wrong, and we’ve got to — and I promise you, as president, I am going to get these guys.”

Biden continued after the crowd applauded by reiterating his desire to curtail gun production in America while also acknowledging his goal of hindering the National Rifle Association’s efforts.

“I want to let them know. I promise you. I’m the only guy that has beaten the gun manufacturers — I’m the only guy that has beaten the NRA nationally, and I did it twice, nationally. And gun manufacturers, I’m coming for you. Period.” read more

33 Comments on Biden to gun manufacturers: ‘I’m coming for you. Period’

  1. Biden has this little problem. He’s not going to get the nomination, so his big dick swagger is all for show.

    Corn Pop told me.

    Or was it the children that loved to rub his blonde leg hair and jump in his lap. Which he loved, by the way.

    Commie Bernie, fellow traveler with Lee Harvey Oswald, is the lefty heart throb now.

  2. Now Joe, please buy a shotgun, hell, buy, forget about it, it’s on the house.
    Let us show you how to use it, for free.
    All you got to do is open wide,,
    And all that shit that been falling out of your mouth will be over, Promise!
    Joe, Great News, you’ve been elected!

  3. C’mon Man! you can’t swing a dead cat w/ a clip in here without hitting an arrested South African. I mean, my son … no, the other dead one … was Vice President … no, that was afterwards, but, let me be clear on this, we’re coming after your F-15’s … I mean, who needs ’em? … right, right?
    don’t mess w/ me, buddy boy, I’ve faced down bigger Pop Corns than you! I’ll take you behind the gym & give you what-for! I mean it! … I’m not just sniffin’ around the bush here … you mess w/ the bull & you’ll face the tail
    wanna feel my leg hair?

  4. ^^^Meant in the best way^^^
    ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, you magnificent Bastard,,,
    still LMAO.
    “you can’t swing a dead cat w/ a clip in here without hitting an arrested South African”
    Please tell us sometimes about your rescue pets,,,

  5. @No Blushes ~ well, most of ’em just lay around the house

    I’d say their all a bunch of stiff shirts
    … but, I don’t have to clean up after them too much … just dust ’em now & then (gotta be careful w/ the vacuum) … they are very well behaved

  6. This thread is funny as hell, but the KKKids don’t even know who Lee Harvey Oswald is. And that their party is now is more in line with the assassin than JFK.

    The communist, who honeymooned in the USSR’s Moscow, just by the way, will be delivering a victory speech shortly.
    Sanders is winning handily in Las Vegas and Reno tonight.
    The rest of the state be damned.

  7. ΜΟΛΩΝ – you got Biden down. Been enjoying your caricatures of him since you started!

    “Joe? Are you listening, Joe?”

    “A guy named ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ has you figured.”


    “Joe crashed and Bern’d.”

  8. @PHenry ~ if memory serves me correct, didn’t Lee Harvey also honeymoon in Moscow?

    … I remember he had a Russian bride … not that there’s anything wrong w/ that … the majority are very beautiful women

  9. This asshole can’t even remember what his dead son whose wife porked his other son did for a living. Let alone what state (of dementia) he’s in at any given moment.

    Sit down and STFU you hell bound pedo!

  10. @Nicebead February 22, 2020 at 8:18 pm

    > Can we start hanging these traitors yet?

    Not yet. Not just yet. The time’s not right. It’s a trap. (hat tip to Admiral Ackbar)

    Besides… There’s an old couch that needs you, to keep it from floating into outer space. And a young bowtie, that needs you to show it the ways of the world.

    Your time will come, hero. Don’t fret. The wire services will let the newspapers know that a Sunday headline has been approved by all the bureaus of The Party (hat tip to Walter Winchell). When “It’s Time!” When “It’s Officially Time”.

  11. Ole senile pedo joe now uses the scratch and sniff method w/both hands to find his ass, now if he could just remember not to chew his finger nails afterward he wouldn’t have such a asshole smile all the time….


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