Pete Buttigieg Appears To Rip Off 2012 Tweet From Barack Obama – IOTW Report

Pete Buttigieg Appears To Rip Off 2012 Tweet From Barack Obama

Oh great, now Pete Buttigieg is copycatting the same way Liz Warren is.
There’s not an original bunch in the crowd.

Daily Caller: Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg appeared to rip off a 2012 tweet from former President Barack Obama.

The tweet, which was posted to Buttigieg’s account with no attribution, read, “If we can light up a high school gym—we can light a neighborhood. If we can light up a neighborhood—we can light a city. If we can light up a city—we can light up our country.” more

12 Comments on Pete Buttigieg Appears To Rip Off 2012 Tweet From Barack Obama

  1. Here’s what my precious and sweet Petey B meant to tweet:

    “If we (Petey B and my one good brown eye!) can kiss—we can fist. If we can fist each other in the ass—we can fuck each other in the ass. If we can fuck each other in the ass—we can tea bag until the cows come home.”

    Poetry in motion that Petey B of mine!

  2. Sounds like political boilerplate that has been reused for a hundred years. Just the sort of pablum that one of Barky’s beer-ponging speech writers would google up and tweet for him. Hell, I bet it’s in Hillary’s “Daily Devotionals”, too. Commies love that shit about running the room, the town, the country and then the world.

  3. Oh… oh… Petey. Petey. My… dear… sweet… Petey B.

    You’ve made me so… wistful. I think I might even feel… hope? Is that really “hope”? In my dark… deplorable… shriveled heart?

    Hmm? What? Oh. I’m sorry. The great philosopher, Montoya, informs me that those words do not mean what I think they mean.

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