Trump’s Las Vegas Rally: 18% of Attendees Were Democrats, 32% Didn’t Vote in 2016 – IOTW Report

Trump’s Las Vegas Rally: 18% of Attendees Were Democrats, 32% Didn’t Vote in 2016

Dan Bongino: President Donald Trump rallied in Las Vegas on the eve of the Nevada caucus, continuing to troll Democrats by holding rallies before their primaries.

Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale has made a habit out of collecting data on the attendees to Trump’s rallies, and the numbers from those at Las Vegas shows President Trump continuing to attract a broad coalition of voters heading into the November election. Most relevant, he found that 18% of attendees were Democrats, and 32% didn’t vote in 2016. The majority of Americans don’t vote, so the fact that Trump is drawing in those who previously haven’t gives him an edge Democrats don’t have. read more

4 Comments on Trump’s Las Vegas Rally: 18% of Attendees Were Democrats, 32% Didn’t Vote in 2016

  1. Yeah, I was gettin the same vibe, that about 25% were either newbies or former democrat/centrists during the Wildwood, NJ party. IT WAS FUN! Everyone was very cool and nice to all.

  2. doesn’t surprise me

    this is what happens when the citizens have a chance to vote for someone instead of against the deep state’s chosen lesser of two evils.

    finally a non professional politician putting the lie to the deep state’s sham two political party system.

  3. This has been the trend at every rally. The reality is the dems might be fighting to see who has the honor of losing and does the least amount of damage to their congressional chances. Clearly the old leadership fears Bernie is going to take them out of the House.


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