AOC defends wearing pricey sequin leopard dress to work [in the daytime] – IOTW Report

AOC defends wearing pricey sequin leopard dress to work [in the daytime]

BPR- Unfortunately for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., reality does not prove to be consistent with the effort the socialist extends to brand herself as another struggling member of the proletariat.

Not that the hard-left lawmaker, who gets it that her appeal is wrapping Marxism in a pretty little package and selling it with a smile, doesn’t push back when exposed as the hypocrite she is.

The latest dust-up comes after a Friday appearance on ABC’s “The View,” with AOC rocking “a luxe designer dress,” as the New York Post characterized the black sequin leopard dress by Rickie Freeman that the lawmaker was wearing.

The Post reported Ocasio-Cortez rented the dress for her appearance on The View and that it retails at $580.

Always sensitive to criticism about her attire, AOC countered to say the Post is “just mad that you can look good fighting for working families.”

(“Working families” being code, part of the vernacular in selling class warfare and the virtues of communism to poorly-informed millennials.)

“Yep! I rent, borrow, and thrift my clothes. (It’s also environmentally sustainable!) 🌎The Post is just mad that you can look good fighting for working families. Sequins are a great accessory to universal healthcare, don’t you agree?” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. MORE

33 Comments on AOC defends wearing pricey sequin leopard dress to work [in the daytime]

  1. Workers of the World UNITE! Tell me I’m not the best dressed commie on the national stage in this absolutely fabulous in this gown.

    We can talk about your capitalist chains later.

    I am in this for you, though.


    Alexandria 🥰🥰👺☠️

  2. @ forcibly deranged FEBRUARY 25, 2020 AT 6:13 PM

    I’m Smart. I know I’m smart because every guy I met while tending bar told me how smart I am and that he would like to have me over to his place to continue our conversation after I got off work.

  3. Angling for that job at PMSNBC or ABC. She knows her days are numbered sucking off the public teat, so she’s displaying her ability to develop a vacuum of her own. Besides the one between her ears that is.

  4. This dress is good for the environment. Y’all don’t understand the phizxix behind it. Like, these shiny things reflect the sun’s light back into the sky to prevent global warm….I mean climate change.

  5. a fool and her money are soon parted. When she’s removed from office, no matter how much money she steals from her campaign funds, she will be dead broke in a year.

  6. smudge
    FEBRUARY 25, 2020 AT 6:08 PM
    “She’s moonlighting as a bartender in a cocktail lounge? Cute dress.”

    …huh, they were singing about Sandy’s career arc in the ’80s, before she was even born. Who knew?

    “You were workin’ as a waitress in a cocktail bar
    When I met you
    I picked you out, I shook you up and turned you around
    Turned you into someone new
    Now five years later on, you’ve got the world at your feet
    Success has been so easy for you
    But don’t forget, it’s me who put you where you are now
    And I can put you back down too

    Don’t, don’t you want me?
    You know I can’t believe it when I hear that you won’t see me
    Don’t, don’t you want me?
    You know I don’t believe you when you say that you don’t need me
    It’s much too late to find
    You think you’ve changed your mind
    You’d better change it back or we will both be sorry

    Don’t you want me, baby?
    Don’t you want me? Oh
    Don’t you want me, baby?
    Don’t you want me? Oh

    I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
    That much is true
    But even then, I knew I’d find a much better place
    Either with or without you
    The five years we have had have been such good times
    I still love you
    But now, I think it’s time I live my life on my own
    I guess it’s just what I must do”
    “Don’t You Want Me”, The Human League

  7. As I said earlier today, Fidel castro wore 2 Rolex watches on the same wrist.

    Ya Gotta dress for success baby! Esp. with other peoples money.

    Once she is ousted she will find it very hard to live without her expense accounts.

    AOC just does not understand the difference between:

    Melania – (dignified, professional and always elegant)

    AOC – (flashy overdone 1980’s hooker with too much make-up)

  8. AOC’s sixties Go Go/Disco ball bourgeoisie dress doesn’t work with the proletariat. She’s commie cadre, so it makes sense AOC doesn’t care what the working class thinks.

  9. Sandy O’Cortez – La Puta de la Revolucion

    “They’re pickin’ up the prisoners
    And puttin ’em in a pen
    And all she wants to do is dance, dance
    Rebels been rebels
    Since I don’t know when
    And all she wants to do is dance

    Molotov cocktail, the local drink
    And all she wants to do is dance, dance
    They mix ’em up right
    In the kitchen sink
    And all she wants to do is dance

    Crazy people walkin’ round with blood in their eyes
    And all she wants to do is dance, dance, dance
    Wild-eyed pistols wavers who ain’t afraid to die
    And all she wants to do is
    And all she wants to do is dance
    And make romance
    She can’t feel the heat
    Comin’ off the street
    She wants to party
    She wants to get down
    All she wants to do is
    All she wants to do is dance

    Well the government bugged the men’s room
    In the local disco lounge
    And all she wants to do is dance, dance
    To keep the boys from sellin’
    All the weapons they could scrounge
    And all she wants to do is dance

    Yeah, but that don’t keep the boys from makin’ a buck or two
    And all she wants to do is dance, dance
    The still can sell the army
    All the drugs that they can do
    And all she wants to do is
    All she wants to do is dance
    And make romance”

    izlamo delenda est …


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