Indiana: GOP chair and councilman apologize to CAIR for other councilman’s Islamocritical statements – IOTW Report

Indiana: GOP chair and councilman apologize to CAIR for other councilman’s Islamocritical statements

Jihad Watch: Here yet again, we see a local Republican Party demonstrating the cowardice that afflicts the party over all over the country. Jaime Bolser should not be allowing Hamas-linked CAIR and the establishment media to set the agenda. She should be prepared to explain how Stewart’s remarks were reasonable, as I did here. She should not be uncritically accepting Kasem’s claim below that criticism of Islam “can encourage bad things against the Islamic Center.” The Left and its Islamic supremacist allies routinely claim that critical words amount to violence, or lead to it, and hence must be suppressed. If that claim were consistently applied, Kasem couldn’t criticize Roger Stewart, because that would lead to violence against him. Indeed, no one could be critical of anything. But this argument only ever goes in one direction: Leftists claim that speech that dissents from their agenda leads to violence, never their own speech, and invertebrate Republicans such as Jaime Bolser obediently fall into line.

Another example of this stupidity played out a few months ago, when I spoke up in New Hampshire at the invitation of the Sullivan County Republican Party. New Hampshire State Representative Steven Smith, who became the top dog of the Sullivan County Republican Party shortly after I spoke, didn’t attend my presentation, and had no idea what I said, but when Democrats and the local establishment media began to raise a fuss, he apologized for my having been there anyway. Weasels and jellyfish of this ilk will be the end of our free republic. MORE

8 Comments on Indiana: GOP chair and councilman apologize to CAIR for other councilman’s Islamocritical statements

  1. Dear CAIR: I’m sorry you’re friggin world view is so out of step with the primary values of our country. To atone for this non-leftist position, I will humbly offer to escort you to the airport so you can get out of this country and back to your own shit hole.

  2. “ Weasels and jellyfish of this ilk will be the end of our free republic.”

    That they will. The eRepublicans sat on their asses, wasted our money, and watched the King County Democrat machine steal the 2004 Washington State gubernatorial election in broad daylight and that so demoralized the Republican base that they haven’t turned out since.

    They are a damnable plague of biblical proportions


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