Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch: It Ain’t Over For Andy McCabe – IOTW Report

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch: It Ain’t Over For Andy McCabe

From Daily Caller-

[…] The wider investigation by Durham into potential misconduct by officials in the FBI, Justice Department and other government agencies is also ongoing, and hopefully McCabe is being looked at, along with Comey, Strzok, former CIA Director John Brennan and a host of others. The fact that critics are now calling for Attorney General William Barr to resign only shows fear that the investigations will uncover the truth about what President Trump rightly calls the greatest political scandal in our nation’s history. MORE

7 Comments on Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch: It Ain’t Over For Andy McCabe

  1. Oh God, not this crap again! Can’t you tRUMPers see there is nothing there! It’s all in tRUMP’s head. Can’t wait for Sanders to win so that the real investigations into tRUMP can begin!! The findings against tRUMP is going to rock this country for years. Sanders needs to go after every single tRUMP apologist/supporter and prosecute them as well.

  2. McCabe’s shakin in his little space boots.
    Probably so terrified that he took a shit on Wray’s (or Barr’s and Durham’s) desk while snortin coke with Hunter Biden.

    izlamo delenda est …

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