Candidates pile on frontrunner Sanders at Democratic debate – IOTW Report

Candidates pile on frontrunner Sanders at Democratic debate

TheHill: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) came under fierce attack at Tuesday night’s Democratic debate in Charleston, S.C., from every other candidate on stage, as Sanders’s rivals sought to blunt his momentum ahead of Saturday’s primary and Super Tuesday.

Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg opened by claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin wants nothing more than for Democrats to nominate Sanders so that he can lose to President Trump.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) cast Sanders a rigid ideologue who won’t be able to enact the progressive policies he wants to achieve because he can’t get along with anyone. read more

15 Comments on Candidates pile on frontrunner Sanders at Democratic debate

  1. It’s Pandermonium. Tom Steyer just aimed to give a shot in the arm to his flagging campaign by boldly supporting reparations for America’s 400 years of slavery.

    Two pasty white billionaires arguing over who cares the most about blacks.

    Saint Pete is now Talcum X after taking a beating over polling at 0% with black voters in SC.

    Klobuchar is quoting MLK.

    This entire shitshow is a Trump campaign ad.

  2. Shakespeare said it best … about every one of them … “[nothing] but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.”

    ~ Macbeth, Act 5 Scene 5

  3. Pocahontas almost almost almost made a pro life argument while attacking Bloomer for saying, “kill it.” to a pregnant woman.

    The crown booed & cat called but who knows what side they were on.

    Bizzaro World.

    I can’t watch anymore. I’m switching to cartoons before bed.

  4. I am a bit surprised that they haven’t brought up Sanders’ ‘woman fantasize about being raped’ and other equally bad statements that we all know he made. Those are the vote killers.

    I’m watching Magnificent Seven tonight. The real one, of course.
    Well not the original Seven Samurai…

  5. BREAKING NEWS…Joe Biden is firmly convinced that Stacy Adams made shoes for his senate run and he’s the only one that has had those shoes made before because he did it before….Lizzy Warren quipped…”Don’t ask him about his pork pie hat and his zoot suit”…

  6. It’s a shame that that Counter Hopping Doofus, Beto O’Rourke, Spartatookitupthebackporch, Kalamity Harris, Kristen Gillibrand, and John Hickenlooper were not allowed to take part in this debate debacle. If Bloomyboy can buy his way onto this stage, why couldn’t these other clowns be given a chance to tear into Multibillionaire and the Commie. That’s the only way this could be a more enjoyable spectacle. It’s like watching a bunch of retarded clowns trying to herd wildcats or skunks.

  7. I get that most conservatives ignoring the Democrat debates, but lighten up, it’s great entertainment watching the left presidential candidates implode.

    Worth watching for Uncle Joe’s gaffes, Off My Lawn Bernie yelling out answers, Fauxahonas’ hatchet attacks, Pious Perv Pete’s sneers, Mini Mike’s callous elitism, Demwit Tommy’s clueless retorts and Angry Amy’s temper tantrums.

    It’s coming from their own lips the pathetic arguments during the debates are getting President Trump his second term.

    The constant lies from the Democrat fool forums are only convincing idiots the left have continued to make stupid – their base.

    Just watch and get to know your enemies – essential for warfare.

  8. LCD, I love the original Seven Samurai in black and white and subtitles for full effect, much more entertaining than the clown train wreck as it continues to increase President Trump’s re-election in November look better and better.


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