Chris Wallace is right about Jim Acosta – IOTW Report

Chris Wallace is right about Jim Acosta

American Thinker:
By Silvio Canto, Jr.

The Jim Acosta Show traveled to India this week.

As usual, the man goes out of his way to be obnoxious and please the one million viewers per hour who watch CNN.

Acosta’s style is getting on Chris Wallace’s nerves.

16 Comments on Chris Wallace is right about Jim Acosta

  1. He still doesn’t get it that we love to see Trump shit on him in public.

    Keep going Jimmy!

    He represents the “SOY BOY” being put in his place by a real man.

    Trump can say to him everything that we cannot say to “that type” of man.

  2. Acosta sees himself as a hard hitting investigative journalist and expects that many years from now and after retirement he’ll be invited on news programs to give his sage insights. In reality what will happen is: “Say, aren’t you the asshole who…….?

  3. Yes, his book “The Enemy of the People”, surprisingly not an autobiography, and subtitled “a dangerous time to tell the truth in America (which I take as a threat he’s making), was supposed to be about how fraught with peril is the life of such a truth-telling reporter.

    In actuality, if that were the case, would said reporter be flying to India to call the POTUS a liar to his face in front of the press of a foreign country?

    Pick a side. Is it dangerous to tell the truth or not? Or is it not dangerous to tell a lie? Because he’s getting away with it often.

  4. And then Wallace: …stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plumb, and said “What a good boy am I!”

    (I just learned that “Jack Horner” was about opportunism — of the same kind exhibited by Chris Wallace — a self-bestowed “atta boy”.)

  5. Hey Chris Wallace (the Praetorian Guard of the DC Swamp) do you need help beating up that strawman about Trump’s “attacks on us (MSM)” or are you ready to admit that you are full of shit. Trump has always had to defend himself against your and the MSM’s constant slurs. And we love him for it.


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