CNN Whistleblower Took the Stage at CPAC – IOTW Report

CNN Whistleblower Took the Stage at CPAC

PJM: NATIONAL HARBOR, MD — Project Veritas founder and President James O’Keefe revealed the identity of the CNN whistleblower who revealed bias at the network in sting videos. Cary Poarch came on stage with O’Keefe, urging whistleblowers to continue to come forward and promising that Project Veritas will protect them.

4 Comments on CNN Whistleblower Took the Stage at CPAC

  1. Nah, he doesn’t need to worry. Those pussies Don Lemon, Brian Stutterer, Fredo Cuomo and Anderson Pooper can’t shoot straight at all. They’d limp-wrist their shots and get jammed slides every time


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