Trump Vindicated Again: Appeals Court Rules House Can’t Enforce Subpoena To Don McGahn – IOTW Report

Trump Vindicated Again: Appeals Court Rules House Can’t Enforce Subpoena To Don McGahn

Legal Insurrection- Article of Impeachment II against Donald Trump was “obstruction of Congress.” One of the bases for the Article was the Trump administration’s position that it did not have to comply with House Committee subpoenas to senior administration officials.

Donald McGahn, Trump’s former White House Counsel was not named in Article II, but he was among the people who refused to comply. The House Judiciary Committee went to court to enforce the subpoena to McGahn, and a district court judge, in a much ballyhooed opinion, ordered McGahn to appear.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit just ruled that subpoena was unenforceable in court, and reversed.

3 Comments on Trump Vindicated Again: Appeals Court Rules House Can’t Enforce Subpoena To Don McGahn

  1. Trump was accused of obstructing Congress because he refused to allow this attorney to testify under a claim of Executive Privilege. Amazing how clear this case was decided once it got before a Court that had two Judges that could render an unbiased opinion.


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