Biden wins big in South Carolina primary, in crucial boost for struggling campaign – IOTW Report

Biden wins big in South Carolina primary, in crucial boost for struggling campaign

FOX: Former Vice President Joe Biden decisively won the South Carolina Democratic primary on Saturday, claiming his first victory of the 2020 race and giving a crucial boost to his struggling campaign ahead of Super Tuesday.

The victory tracked with polls indicating that Biden, buoyed by support among black voters, had a significant lead in the state for months over Sen. Bernie Sanders and others, despite the surging Vermont senator beginning to close the gap after early primary wins. Fox News projects Sanders will finish second, followed by wealthy progressive activist Tom Steyer — who then ended his campaign within hours of polls closing.

Biden had banked on his “firewall” of South Carolina to essentially save his flagging presidential bid. As the former primary front-runner took the stage at his victory party in Columbia, S.C., he hugged South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn and thanked him for his recent endorsement saying, “You brought me back.”

“Just days ago the press and the pundits had declared this candidacy dead. Now thanks to all of you, the heart of the Democratic Party, we just won and we won big because of you,” Biden declared.

“This is the moment to choose the path forward for our party, this is the moment and it’s arrived, maybe sooner than anyone guessed it would but it’s here,” Biden told supporters in Columbia.

A total of 54 pledged delegates are at stake in the state. With 78 percent of returns in, Biden had 49.2 percent, Sanders had 19.6 percent and Steyer had 11.5 percent. Behind Steyer were former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii. more

20 Comments on Biden wins big in South Carolina primary, in crucial boost for struggling campaign

  1. Yay!!! the d’rat chaos goes on …. spend that donor $$$

    bite, kick, scream, lie, denigrate, back-stab, eye-gouge, groin-kick, spit, throttle, stomp, pinch, slap, punch, loogie, noogie, flick boogers, pull hair, knee-cap, smack, wedgie, de-pants, short-sheet, panty-raid, wet-willie, exploding cigar, pie-in-the-face your primary opponents … let the blood-letting begin!

  2. Great news from South Carolina! The Democrat-Socialists-Reparations-Homosexualists-Afmerican- Freestuffers Party has kept the weakest possible candidate alive to be humiliated in just three more days.

  3. @Different Tim ~ also remember it’s an open primary, so we don’t know how many non-dRats voted … I guess add up the Tulsi Gabbard votes & throw in a few thousand Bernie ‘chaos’ votes

    (no repub primary in 2020. in 2016 there was a repub primary, so the repubs voted in that one)

  4. Warren got 7% of the vote, and she’s setting her sights to reproduce

    Mondale and Ferraro of 1984.

    Just watch, she’ll be Biden’s V.P. selection, fellow scumbag lawyers stick together.


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