David Harris Jr: Bernie ‘Racist’ for Suggesting Marijuana Legalization Will Boost Jobs for Black Americans – IOTW Report

David Harris Jr: Bernie ‘Racist’ for Suggesting Marijuana Legalization Will Boost Jobs for Black Americans

Breitbart- Black Voices for Trump coalition member David Harris Jr. told Breitbart News on Thursday that Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)’s suggestion to legalize marijuana in order to boost jobs for black Americans is a “racist” idea.

“It’s racist,” said Harris Jr., “I mean, does he think that all black folks smoke weed? That all we do is sit around and smoke weed, and that if we need jobs, we need to be able to sell weed?”

Harris Jr. — who is a member of the board for the new “Black Voices for Trump” coalition — caught up with Breitbart News in an interview at the 2020 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland on Thursday. read more

12 Comments on David Harris Jr: Bernie ‘Racist’ for Suggesting Marijuana Legalization Will Boost Jobs for Black Americans

  1. Legal Industrial Complex

    Marijuana is the biggest SCAM on the public:

    ~Ruined lives
    ~Inability to find work
    -Unable to apply for jobs internationally
    ~Rejected for military jobs
    ~Rejected for federal student loans
    ~Legal fees
    ~Jail, prison
    ~And ALL the government jobs it supports from police to judges, to correction employees.

    All for a plant, when smoked, makes you sleepy, like beer does.

    What a joke.

  2. I hope Harris Jr. posts his objections far and wide.

    If you haven’t yet had the time to watch POTUS Trump host some of America’s true black leaders at the WH for Black History Month, I strongly urge you to make the time. Uplifting, inspiring, joyful, and very encouraging. There are two videos on YT that were recently posted. Long, but worth watching. One is a meeting in the cabinet room and the other a podium presentation.

  3. Corporate marijuana will boost black jobs? I don’t think so.
    It will boost job prospects for white college dropout potheads who until then were customers of the minority “botanical entrepreneurs”.

  4. Imagine an industry where there is no minimum wage, no overtime, windfall profits, no unions, no taxes, no permits or inspections required. In other words free enterprise. Now Bernie wants to ruin all that by legalizing weed plus adding Affirmative Action.

  5. I hope they’ll support small business loans for upper middle class psychonauts to start recreational LSD businesses.

    Asking for an imaginary friend who lives in my ear.

  6. Legalizing weed won’t make the “workplace” safer from drug-addled morons.
    Look at the UAW!
    A bunch of drunken dope-addled morons can’t compete with chinks and japs.

    I got nuthin against drunks (being one myself) but you ever work with one?
    We had a guy who couldn’t unstop a lavatory – so he hit it with a 2′ pipe wrench. Took us most of the night just to clean up the shattered porcelain – and that shit cuts like razors.

    Maybe if he’da been smokin dope he’da just stayed in the shop – too lazy to even try to do plumbing – can’t say.

    izlamo delenda est …


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