Interior Secretary: Millions of Acres of Federal Lands Now ‘Open for Business’ for American Pleasure and Prosperity – IOTW Report

Interior Secretary: Millions of Acres of Federal Lands Now ‘Open for Business’ for American Pleasure and Prosperity

Breitbart: Interior Secretary David Bernhardt said on Saturday at the American Conservative Union’s 2020 CPAC in Oxon Hill, Maryland, that President Donald Trump has made it a priority to give Americans access to federal lands for both pleasure and business.

In keeping with that goal, Bernhardt said that his agency is committed to making sure that 245 million acres in the western United States be “specifically designated to be managed for multiple use.”

“We’ve expanded by 1.4 million acres this last year as opportunities for hunting and fishing on public lands and in forests, but more importantly we have ensured the concept of multiple use is embodied,” Bernhardt said.

“So we are open for business in many places for public lands and at the same time ensuring that we maintain our conservation stewardship,” Bernhardt said.  read more

12 Comments on Interior Secretary: Millions of Acres of Federal Lands Now ‘Open for Business’ for American Pleasure and Prosperity

  1. The Velvet Rope of Politics

    Control all resources, give them out to your buddies.

    Oh, you need a liver transplant and are on the waiting list? Let me see if you are a party member or not….

    Federal lands, health care, jobs, gun rights, all are dependent upon membership

  2. Why are there “Federal” lands?
    Like a budget “surplus” it has no reason to exist (and a “surplus” implies that the bureaucracy stole too much, not that they didn’t spend enough).
    Yeah, I know the history – but that doesn’t make it any less bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. To Anonymous. Just an FYI. There are small towns out West
    that will give you land for a dollar and other percs to
    move in to stave off their population decline.
    If I were younger I’d be checking them out.
    As to the President’s public land use; thank you for giving the it back to the people who own it, not just a few dozen big mouthed greenies who locked it away.

  4. Well, there you go!
    Instead of 40 acres and a mule, give em 40 acres and a hoe.
    Reparations, anyone? Student debt “forgiveness?”

    They can pay off their debts with the asparagus they farm.
    It’s only FAIR!

    Oh … keep a little for y’selves …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. 1.4 mil acres is only 35,000 allotments at 40 acres apiece. The remaining 39,565,000 will (continue to) riot for 1,582,600,000 more acres, or about the size of nine Texases.

  6. ecp,
    Until they have to farm it. As they become discouraged, send another selection out there. Only have to do it a thousand times, or so.
    My guess is: they’re allergic to ownership – which is why they gravitate towards socialism (the “free-shit” parade of lies).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Tim, not a bad plan. If it takes 10 days to become discouraged from a lack of modern whiteman created amenities, we can cycle them all through a chance at reparations in about 30 years. The only wrench in the works will be certain progress that will prevent selections from moving on after 10 days. With forward thinking and progressively building up selection after selection, the land will become a utopia and voted as the most beautifully conserved area including green solutions with the most desirable carbon negative architecture the world has ever witnessed. Or maybe not.


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