Looney Biden says he ‘became a professor’ after departing the White House – IOTW Report

Looney Biden says he ‘became a professor’ after departing the White House

BPR: Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden seemed to be struggling with his selective memory again at a campaign event in South Carolina.

The former vice president told his Georgetown audience this week that he “became a professor” after leaving the White House in 2017, despite the fact that he never taught a single class.

Though Biden was named the “Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor” for the University of Pennsylvania in 2017, the school apparently never expected him to actually teach any classes.

Biden baffled voters with his claim, adding to a growing list of gaffes, misstatements and distorted recollections that have plagued the 77-year-old Democrat.

“When I got out of teaching – excuse me – when I got out of the United States Senate, instead of taking a Wall Street job, they’re not bad…but instead of doing the things I never did before, I figured I wasn’t going to change all these years of what I was comfortable doing,” Biden rambled.

“So I became a teacher, I became a professor,” he said. read more

17 Comments on Looney Biden says he ‘became a professor’ after departing the White House

  1. …after all, the only REAL requirements to be an “educator” these days are perversion, TDS, a burning hatred of America, and a complete disregard for any facts, logic, or sense in favor of the whole-plate liberal agenda, and Joe is well qualified on ALL counts…

  2. “He was reportedly paid $776,527 by the school for four speeches in 2017 and another four speeches in 2018.”

    There’s the problem to student loan debt right there.

  3. A know habitual liar and pervert……

    the front runner and favorite of the DNC……

    To become President of the United States of America……

    We live in bizarro world.

  4. “…his salary was $371,159 in 2017 and $405,368 in 2018.”

    Holy KRAP. This is a public university? The taxpayers of Pennsylvania should be demanding someone’s head.

  5. Tony R
    MARCH 1, 2020 AT 10:36 AM
    “The taxpayers of Pennsylvania should be demanding someone’s head.”

    …why their heads? There’s nothing in there, and they’ve already proved they can be quite successful without EVER using them (cf. Joe Biden)…

  6. It is not uncommon for retired elected officials to be put on the payroll of Universities, particularly when the elected official made sure their favorite Universities who lobbied them for huge increases to the University’s budget over the years.
    It’s just a retroactive payoff. Delayed pay to play corruption.


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