UN claims Greece has no legal standing to stop accepting migrant requests for asylum – IOTW Report

UN claims Greece has no legal standing to stop accepting migrant requests for asylum

Silly Greece. You’re not a sovereign nation.

WaEx: Greece has no legal right to stop accepting asylum seeker applications, according to the United Nations’ refugee agency.

Greece clashed with 10,000 asylum seekers coming through Turkey over the weekend after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan opened its borders for migrants to get into the European Union. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis responded by announcing that his country would not accept asylum applications for a month, but the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said that’s a problem.

“Neither the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees nor E.U. refugee law provides any legal basis for the suspension of the reception of asylum applications,” the U.N.’s refugee agency said in a statement on Monday.

The agency added in the statement, “All states have a right to control their borders and manage irregular movements, but at the same time should refrain from the use of excessive or disproportionate force and maintain systems for handling asylum requests in an orderly manner.” read more

22 Comments on UN claims Greece has no legal standing to stop accepting migrant requests for asylum

  1. this is ‘invasion’ … pure & simple

    … & the UN is a bloviating, resource-sucking paper tiger … stfu, or the US will shake you off our teat

    with all due respect …. go f*uck yourself

  2. This is the future of World Government.

    UN: Don’t want your “country” invaded by hordes of refugees?
    Tough shit, you have no legal justification to deny them entry. You are in effect no longer a country, but a vassal state of the UN.

    We have got to get the UN out of our country and out of our lives. The arrogance of the UN is appalling. Fuck ’em and get the bastards out of NY.

  3. Greece has every right to test how well the invaders can swim while their applications are processed. UN is trying to dissolve Greece without the consent of the Greeks.
    Sounds like Middle Eastern BS.

  4. Ya think they would have learned from England.
    Greece is already bankrupt.
    How will they possibly afford all the welfare?

    In with the Glass lickers! I still can not believe what I saw from Iran!

  5. You are right, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, it is an invasion. No “governmental entity”—especially the abhorrent UN and its mutant cousin the EU—should ever have the right to force a country to allow itself to be invaded against its will.

  6. “……refrain from the use of excessive or disproportionate force…”
    Have any of the invaders (they are NOT refugees) been shot, bombed, napalmed, or otherwise killed? No? Then no excessive or disproportionate force has been used……..yet. That could change. Quickly.

  7. …it’s not excessive force, it’s NECESSARY force.

    …but it’s also none of the UN’s business, unless they want to dress up in their little toilet-bowl blue helmets and try to dO something about it…

    …and N.B. to the U.N. – Kosovo, Korea, Lebanon…you guys don’t have a great track record.

    …and I’m pretty sure you’d be doing it without US soldiers or US Dollars, so good luck witb that…

  8. ..but the US needs to stay in the UN just for the veto power…were I President, I’d have one person, and ONLY one person, there all the time with instuctions to simply veto ANYTHING they tried to do…

  9. Make absolutely no mistake about it, this is EXACTLY what is motivating the left to restrict our access to and ownership of AR15s and other lesser semiautomatic rifles.

  10. For 8 years – ’81 to ’88 – Ronny tried to stop taxpayers funding UN. Liberals like Dole out voted him! Ronny was right! Reason 999 why I did not vote for the liberal Dole!

  11. The silver lining in this crappy cloud is that it might foster a Grexit movement and see Greece tell the UN and the EU and Turkey to fuck off.

    Greece needs to grow some balls and put up a triple barrier razor coil border fence along the Greece/ Turkey border, just like Hungary did.

    Hungarys PM Urban stood up to the EU and UN and told them to go fuck off and the spineless gummint bureaucrats in Brussels and NYC didn’t do shit,

  12. Greece needs to remind themselves and the U f’n N who Leonidas and Themistocles were and what they did about 2,500 years ago.


  13. ask Poland about allowing illegal invaders from muslim countries in…

    zero, the word is zero… zero terror attacks because zero muslim invaders…and they are proud as they should be!!!!


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