The ’64 Civil Rights Act and the Origins of Political Correctness – IOTW Report

The ’64 Civil Rights Act and the Origins of Political Correctness

American Thinker-

In his new book The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties, Claremont Institute scholar Christopher Caldwell explains how the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the landmark legislation designed to end segregation in the South, gave unprecedented power to Washington and ended up dividing the country.

To be sure, Caldwell recognizes that Jim Crow was immoral and needed to be eradicated. But in doing so, he contends, the law enacted permanent emergency powers that vastly increased federal control over the private lives of Americans. The law created new crimes, outlawed discrimination in almost every aspect of public and private life and exposed nearly every facet of American life to direction from bureaucrats and judges. read more

8 Comments on The ’64 Civil Rights Act and the Origins of Political Correctness

  1. Lyndon Johnson, author of The Great Society also founded the Deep State when he, the Murchison’s, the Bush’s and mobster Santo Traficante conspired with the CIA and FBI to kill President Kennedy.

  2. Coincidentally, when Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, Andrew Johnson (democrat) became President and completely destroyed Lincolns vision for Reconstruction. It was a massive failure.

    Almost 100 years later, another President Johnson (democrat) now seems to have continued the legacy with botched good intentions.

    I guess you could say that blacks were screwed by two Johnsons.

    The Constitution is a great blueprint for a Republic, we need to stop subverting the vision and guidance of our Founding Fathers!

  3. WRONG PC has been around for thousands of years.
    Bill’s play about Angincourt does not mention the men who maimed and killed more Anglos than the French. the Scotch!
    why did HENRY not mention the Scotch? Because the King was Scotch!

    Biill even wrote a jPC play because the King was Scotch! MACBETH!

    Ask Aristole about PC!

    Disclaimer: some of thy kin awere Scotch and we killed many Anlgos both in UK and elsewhere. Also have Anglo kin – 4 of whom were slaves on the Mayflower! When I challenge the liberal Bush Clan as “Johnny come lately” I mean it~!

  4. LBJ wanted to control (you could call it, enslave) black votes to the demonrats for a hundred years. His plan has been working as planned until Trump put a big bump in that road.

  5. the 1964 legislation was only icing on the cake, the end of the war of succession in 1865 was the start of the long demise of this country and individual rights.

    we fought a huge war, killed half million of our countrymen only to be told we are racist for ending slavery which still goes on in the rest of the world.

    disconnect anyone?

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