CDC: 32 Million Americans Ill with Flu This Season, 18,000 Deaths – IOTW Report

CDC: 32 Million Americans Ill with Flu This Season, 18,000 Deaths

Breitbart: Although the media are focused on the coronavirus and the two fatalities that have taken place in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), influenza and related pneumonia are widespread across the country.

“CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 32 million flu illnesses, 310,000 hospitalizations and 18,000 deaths from flu,” the CDC’s weekly Influenza Surveillance Report said as of February 22, 2020.

“The percentage of death attributed to pneumonia and influenza is 6.9 percent, below the epidemic threshold of 7.3 percent,” the CDC reported.

Among the deaths are more than 100 children.

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16 Comments on CDC: 32 Million Americans Ill with Flu This Season, 18,000 Deaths

  1. A friend was pointing out that this is the crucial difference – the flu death rate is on the order of a tenth of a percent, coronavirus around 2%, which means potentially a far greater problem. The key is ‘potentially’ – so we keep calm, wash our hands, and carry on.

  2. LCD, I don’t trust the 2% figure, because we are finding out that many people do not even know they have Wuhan flu. The 2% figure will likely drop into the same range as Boring flu, once more accurate data is available. which will probably be in December. And by “December”, I mean “after the election”.

  3. Forget the Flu, we have to panic over Corona virus.

    Don’t you pay attention to what’s on the News?

    After all, there have already been close to a hundred cases reported and several old people with serious health issues have died from it.

  4. The coronavirus is real, but the predictions and reactions are media driven. Stir the pot, make some money then move on to the next thing that’s gonna kill us all

  5. There’s a reason Schumer and Pelosi want to shovel $Billions at it – and is has NOTHING to do with public health – look back at the Bird Flu and see how much the politicians made off of “buying early” into the companies involved in vaccine manufacture.

    $5,000 blossomed into $5,000,000 virtually overnight.
    Obola and Jarrett were two of the beneficiaries – there were more.
    Schumer and Pelosi have had their greedy hands on every dollar that’s crossed the budget in the past 30 years. If there’s no angle for them to grasp $Millions from the taxpayers, you won’t hear about it. WHAT you DO hear about are the various scams – Green Energy, Environment, Ethanol, Infrastructure, TARP, Globaloney Warming – that make loads of money for those “in the know.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The news and warnings are all over the place. Would be nice if there was someone who knew WTF was going on. Modern high tech is like living in the back woods on this wandering story.

  7. A lot of these people (with both the regular and the wuhan flu * h/t Thirdtwin*) had other problems with their health first and the flu was just icing on their shit cake. The media makes it out like people got sneezed on and died.
    Enough with the bullshit already.

  8. And people are cleaning out Sam’s, Costco, and the grocery stores like it’s Armageddon. It was worse than holiday shopping on a Tuesday afternoon. Such insanity. Obviously, a lot of people are falling for the scare tactics.

  9. The key to survival is to not have a pre-existing condition. Sounds like mother nature is trying to prove how bitchy she can be. The liberals should be enjoying this opportunity to whittle the global population down to a more manageable (read as controllable) level. In fact, they should be absolutely giddy at the amount of resources that won’t be used as the result of a shrinking population. If the liberals truly held to their beliefs, then they shouldn’t be concerned about this thinning of the herd, they would be welcoming it and exposing as many of their parents and children to it as quickly as possible.


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