Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca Cheers Using Coronavirus on Trump Supporters; Faces Calls to Resign – IOTW Report

Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca Cheers Using Coronavirus on Trump Supporters; Faces Calls to Resign

WeLoveTrump:Did Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca just endorse using coronavirus as a bioweapon against supporters of the president?

Well… based on her government Twitter account, it appears as though she “cheers” on the idea.

CdeBaca, a Denver councilwoman, re-tweeted a post suggesting that coronavirus should be spread and used against Trump supporters.

In her re-tweet, CdeBaca wrote “#Solidarity Yaaaas!!”

She also included a few emojis suggesting that she would laugh at Trump supporters catching the virus. She also included the “ok” symbol, which some users understood as an endorsement. more

26 Comments on Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca Cheers Using Coronavirus on Trump Supporters; Faces Calls to Resign

  1. …your kind has ALREADY infected half the nation with the same poisonous ideology that killed hundreds of millions in the last century ALONE, and even made it WORSE by adding infanticide and child mutilation to the mix.

    Isn’t that damage ENOUGH…

  2. …lefties destroy history, so they can’t learn from it.

    …this isn’t a new idea. Mongols loaded catapults with plauge victims at Caffa in modern Ukraine in 1346, and did make some people sick, themselves included, and affected the outcome of the war not at all.

    …chemical warfare was used extensively in WWI, and only demoralized BOTH sides because it was just as likely to come back on YOU.

    Germ warfare’s the same. It doesn’t care WHO it kills.

    …if there were an effective bug, it could only be used by people who don’t care if BOTH sides die. “Twelver” Shi’ites come to mind, but few others. Lefties want US to die, not THEMSELVES, they can’t enjoy owning slaves if they are DEAD, and since they ALSO don’t believe in God, I’m guessing they’re not in a hurry to find out they’re wrong…

    …that said, Coronavirus is a crap weapon. It doesn’t kill quickly, and it doesn’t kill every one, or even MOST. You’d be better served with the flu.

    …I gotta say, I REALLY expected CO to get more mellow when they went full-retard on pot, but if THIS gal is any indication, she must be mixing CRACK in HERS to get to and maintain THIS level of inchoate rage…

    “Love Trumps Hate”.

    …I guess they never really meant THAT…

  3. Should this domestic terrorist show up at any public event or function, she should be quarantined on the spot by placing a 50 mil plastic bag over her head, and cable tying it around her neck so no virus spread can occur.

  4. No condemnation of this sort of thing because the deaths of all opponents is the whole point! What do figure the idea of “gun control” is? Think it’s about Bambi? Think it’s about curbing crime? Think it’s about stopping school shootings? Let’s see: Mass shootings (gov’t excluded) account for about 400 people in the past 10 years (that’s 7 years during the Obola debacle) is about 400/330,000,000 or 0.00012% of the population – and for that you’d disarm the entire nation? That doesn’t even make stupid sense. Automobile fatalities for the same period are about 300,000 – do the math again – 300,000/330,000,000 for about 0.09% so it’s obvious that “saving” lives has nothing to do with it.

    These people want you dead. You need to realize that. This “Candi” Clown is just a tad more honest than most.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Seriously needs an attitude re-adjustment tune up.

    Her bio-weapon wish-list would generally place her in the premeditated murder/terrorist category.

    Has a face and demeanor that reminds me of a typical communist snake spouting slogans.

  6. bill
    MARCH 4, 2020 AT 12:29 PM
    “community ownership of labor?
    sounds like slavery to me”

    You are correct.

    …if you don’t own what you do, then you don’t own yourself.

    It’s that simple…


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