EU Crowd Gets The Vapors When Italian Pol Tells Greta to Go Back To School And Live a Normal Life – IOTW Report

EU Crowd Gets The Vapors When Italian Pol Tells Greta to Go Back To School And Live a Normal Life

Pluralist: An Italian politician elicited gasps at a European Union meeting Wednesday when he told teen climate activist Greta Thunberg to “go back to school.”

Pietro Fiocchi, an Italian member member of the European Parliament, made the comment during a meeting of its Environment Council in Brussels, Belgium.

Fiocchi started by thanking Thunberg, a 17-year-old Swede, for “raising public awareness” about climate change. But he then offered her what he described as some fatherly advice. more

15 Comments on EU Crowd Gets The Vapors When Italian Pol Tells Greta to Go Back To School And Live a Normal Life

  1. She ought to take a couple of Math and Physics courses … maybe some Chemistry.
    Ignorance coupled with arrogance is inimical to life on this planet.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Thunberg obviously scares some men silly,” Camilla Nelson, a media researcher said. “The bullying of the teenager by conservative middle-aged men has taken on a grim, almost hysterical edge. And some of them are reaching deep into the misogynist’s playbook to divert focus from her message.”

    Wow, what a retort! All this from some middle-aged man speaking common sense telling a teenager to get an education. When did that become bullying to give someone some good advice? Most kids parents would be under investigation if their kids weren’t in school.

  3. Anonymous
    MARCH 6, 2020 AT 9:32 AM
    “They have truant officers in Sweden?”

    …well, seeing as how they’ve given up on enforcing immigration, rape, and murder laws, that would seem a little silly…

    …although it would probably be a thing HERE, applied to White kids ONLY while to POC kids are allowed to run wild because, racism, or something…

    …anyway, Greta gets the liberal exemption. Laws are for O T H E R people, how DARE you try to keep her from saving the planet after YOU already stole her childhood.

    How DARE you!…/s

  4. EW, I mean EU Law Enforcement raid Fiocchi’s office and find child porn on his computer. Fiocchi claims he was “set up” by Jerry and Pencil Neck directing the CIA. Fiocchi is found dead with two bullet wounds to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. 3…2…1…

    (Fiocchi did not kill himself)

  5. …well, she DID complain that her childhood was stolen…THIS guy is merely suggesting she go back and have what little is left of it while she can…

    …it’s good advice, too, seeing as how once she gets of age, the Democrats will no longer be interested in her sexually or politically, and the only future she’ll have as a child star has-been will be if they have a revival of the old “The Smoking Gun Presents the World’s Dumbest…”, and Tonya Harding doesn’t kneecap her in the scramble for the host job…

  6. Doesn’t she agree? It went something like this..

    I shouldn’t be here, I should be in SKOOL
    You’ve stolen my dreams and my childhood
    All for what, a buck?

    Yes, Greta – for a buck – You’ve heard how the GREEN NEW DEAL is going to steal everyone’s bucks, right? In fact, it’ll steal so many bucks we need a new monetary system and new banks to deal with it.

  7. US public school system will issue you a court order if your kids are absent for too many consecutive days

    actual education isn’t a priority
    it’s all about the money and perverting little minds

    public schools also get more taxpayer funding if kids are on meds

  8. Listen to the Italians, youse people.

    They invented pizza, pointed shoes, and flypaper. Gina Lollabrigida was an Italian, for cryin’ out loud.

    Now shadup and listen.

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