Australian newspaper prints extra pages because of toilet paper shortage – IOTW Report

Australian newspaper prints extra pages because of toilet paper shortage

Butt it’s not for the reason you think it is.

21 Comments on Australian newspaper prints extra pages because of toilet paper shortage

  1. …ever since the extremely liberal Gannett purchased ALL the local papers and started printing them out of town, the paper quality and the ink became SO bad it wasn’t even worth it to wipe your ASS with…and, if you actually tried to READ one of these Democrat rags, the content of the “News” and “Opinion” section made it look like someone ALREADY shit in it…

  2. mrhanoverfist MARCH 6, 2020 AT 11:55 AM
    “They need to bring back the Sears catalog.”

    …I used to work for Sears…they kept demising their inventory until they only sold 47 shirts of slightly variant colors, 2 pairs of pants, and shoes no human being would wear and tools that no man who wanted to keep his hands would use and that was 20 years ago, so no MODERN Sears catalog would have enough pages to complete more than a visit or two…

  3. A guy like Michael Moore is about 350 lbs of asshole – he must go through more than his “fair share” a week. He should “give back” to the (world) community – I don’t know – send pallets of toilet paper to Australia might be a good start.

    Anybody called Sanders and O’Cortez yet?
    FREE TP! FREE TP! (actually, Fauxahontas might misunderstand)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. My liberal friend (former)told me a way to conserve toilet paper. One sheet is required, stick your finger through the middle, use your finger to wipe with, then wipe your finder on the remains of the single sheet. Notice I said former.

  5. @Deplorable Second Class – I have a refinement to improve that single-square method. Fold the square in half, turn 90 degrees and fold again. Tear out a small piece at the corner that’s the actual center of the square. Save that little piece – it’s important!

    Wipe as you describe, then use that little piece to clean under your fingernail.

    You’re welcome, democrats!

  6. @Uncle Al

    That’s the Sheryl Crow method.

    During an interview, she said, throwing her arms in the air in resignation: Very well, if you must use TP at all, use just one square, and follow my well-known method, the patented Cheryl Crow method of conserving toilet paper and saving the planet. We all have to pitch in to save the fucking planet, you know. Nobody cares if your hand or crotch stinks!

  7. Mr. Bear: “Mr. Bunny, do you have a problem with shit sticking to your fur?”
    Mr. Bunny: “Why, no, Mr. Bear, I don’t”

    So Mr. Bear picked up Mr. Bunny, wiped his ass with him, and threw him into the briar patch.

    izlamo delenda est …

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