Texas: Director of taxpayer-funded museum resigns after online backlash over post wishing death to Republicans – IOTW Report

Texas: Director of taxpayer-funded museum resigns after online backlash over post wishing death to Republicans

A museum director is looking for new employment after public outrage erupted over a post she made wishing death to “piece of s**t” Republicans.

Blaze: Melonnie Hicks was the executive director of the Pioneer City County Museum in Sweetwater, Texas, when she posted the offensive missive on Facebook.

“I hope every single one of you pieces of s**t that votes republican, dies today,” she wrote on Super Tuesday.

The post quickly went viral on social media with many bombarding the Twitter account of the library.

The museum released a lengthy statement later on Friday about the debacle and said Hicks had resigned.

“The Pioneer County-City Museum announced today that Melonnie Hicks has submitted her resignation as Executive Director of the Museum,” the statement read. more

22 Comments on Texas: Director of taxpayer-funded museum resigns after online backlash over post wishing death to Republicans

  1. Melonnie, honey, there are plenty of Americans who feel the same way about socialists and other totalitarians, but have enough sense to keep it to themselves.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. They’re establishing a perspective to harm and even kill Trump supporters. They are so frustrated about their failure to remove Trump through other means. What’s left is to threaten and actually do physical harm to conservatives.

    They had better think twice before they start something. It’ll be their funeral.

    Of course, there will be riots in Milwaukee. The professional agitators and die-hard communists amongst them will try to light the flames of revolution. It’s the perfect opportunity for them.

  3. That is where the Democrat base is right now, actually has been for decades. Even among those who profess to be Christians they are consumed by hatred for anyone who stands in the way of them getting their way 100% of the time… and not only does that include God, especially God. They are totally consumed by envy and resentment for people who have a Christian understanding of where to find happiness and fulfillment in life. Instead of pursuing a course that leads to happiness and fulfillment more often than not they continue to double down on their investment in thoughts and patterns of behavior that have a proven track record of offering nothing but suffering and misery. Not only are they not very smart, they are highly immoral and think that is cute, smart or funny.

    I have no sympathy to offer them, pity is the best I can do.

  4. Now she is — to use her own words – a “piece of sh*t” unemployed person. Best of all, it was a self-inflicted career move. These folks are destructive, but at least some of them are self-destructive.

  5. This story reminded me of that park ranger at Independence Hall who described the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence (to a group of visitors) were the product of “class elites who were just out to protect their privileged status.”

    Remember her? Holly Holst. As far as I know, she’s still doing her activist thing there. Dumb as a mud fence.



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