What Caused Alan Dershowitz to Say That He Now Feels ‘Conned’ By Obama – IOTW Report

What Caused Alan Dershowitz to Say That He Now Feels ‘Conned’ By Obama

Townhall|Matt Vespa-

“I have some information as well about the Obama administration — which will be disclosed in a lawsuit at some point, but I’m not prepared to disclose it now — about how President Obama personally asked the FBI to investigate somebody on behalf of George Soros, who was a close ally of his.”

Alan Dershowitz admittedly is not the most popular guy within liberal circles, despite having those views. Dershowitz has become one of President Trump’s biggest defenders, especially in this past failed impeachment push. It was nonsense. Dershowitz knew it was nonsense and oftentimes he called out Democrats for their overreach in their attacks against this White House. He was part of the president’s defense team. Dershowitz also described the discussion among top Department of Justice officials of invoking the 25th Amendment against Trump as nothing short of a coup attempt.

As a result, the liberal lawyer has admitted to being left off the invite list of many dinner parties he used to attend. He isn’t fazed. Now, in an interview with The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro, Dershowitz feels he was “conned” by Barack Obama and is now having buyer’s remorse for voting for him in 2012. 

14 Comments on What Caused Alan Dershowitz to Say That He Now Feels ‘Conned’ By Obama

  1. I’ve got to say, if I hear one more person say they have really damning info on a liberal shithead, but they can’t disclose yet, I’m going to blow a gasket. Even Trump, he says if the libs do this or that, he is really going to release some damning info. Someone needs to have the guts to put it on the table!

  2. @MJA – Thank you. I am always grateful on those rare occasions when I see the word “fazed” spelled correctly.

    (I’d like to know the breakdown of how often “phased” appears due to an error by the writer as opposed to an illiterate spell-check routine.)

  3. I either heard or read Dershowitz make this claim and thought, “What the hell is wrong with him!?” Doesn’t he know that he could end up face down in the Potomac and have his lifeless body gaffed out early on a Sunday morning by a Nat’l Park ranger?! The deaths of all these people with Democrat secrets are not mere coincidences. How many people were murdered when oblowme was running for president? Six, seven, eight? Well, here, read the really long list:


    Remember his own maternal grandmother died just two days before the GE. He visited her. Alone. Cremated immediately. Ashes dispersed.

    Dershowitz better have a “Dead Man” switch.

  4. If these morons all come out one at a time they are a singular target. Let’s get it all out so we outnumber these assholes! Having a new new disclosure every six months is ridiculous.

  5. joe6pak, I saw some post today that said somebody involved in the Uranium One scandal was being indicted. I clicked in and… UPDATE: sorry, nothing to do with Uranium One, just a week-old rehash of two government grifters.

    Yet they left the clickbait headline, instead of just deleting the whole damn story. I swear I could hear Cankles cackling, but it was just the clanking sound of my chain being jerked.

  6. Thirdtwin, is that maddening or what? Trump is guilty too. More than once I’ve seen him make a comment that indicates he is withholding incriminating info to use in case the libs try something against him. WTF, isn’t he obligated to present evidence of illegal activities? I’m pissed off as hell with everyone!

  7. There was a time when I would have been more critical of his voting for Obama. However, many years of reflection led me to believe that McCain or Romney/Ryan would have been even worse. Especially Romney/Ryan, for the result would have been the same policies enacted but without eRepublicans feigning opposition.

    It is a toss up which of the three I held in greater contempt, but upon reflection today I firmly believe that Ryan is the mother of all eRepublican shitfinger weasels. That bastard was working behind the scenes with the likes of Pelosi and Schumer crafting the fan dance with regard to repeal of ObamaCare. He would lie to anyone’s face while scheming with the Democrats on how to dry shave them.

    He, like Romney, is someone I spotted as a backstabbing snake in the grass from day one. A duplicitous little rodent if ever there was one.

  8. I hope the good professor does have good security – and AA’a “dead switch”. It’s pretty clear that there is no law other than jungle law in DC and environs today. Better get that info out ASAP! And JD is right on the money too!

  9. joe6pak, unfortunately Trump is surrounded by vipers and backstabbers, CoC, COPe, globalists, agendas. Enemies. He has to negotiate as much as he can in an order of priority. It’s a war.


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