Bernie Sanders Promises ‘Absolutely Free’ Coronavirus Vaccine, Praises NY for Sanitizer Made with Prison Labor – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Promises ‘Absolutely Free’ Coronavirus Vaccine, Praises NY for Sanitizer Made with Prison Labor

Breitbart: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Monday pledged that he will provide all Americans with a free vaccine for coronavirus if he is elected president.

Addressing supporters in St. Louis on the eve of the Missouri primary contest, Sanders assailed Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar for saying the Trump administration cannot control the price of the vaccine “because we need the private sector to invest.”

“We are uniquely prepared to take on a pharmaceutical industry which in some cases charges us ten times more for the same exact drug that’s sold abroad,” Sanders began.

“Let me tell you, if elected president, everybody in this country will get that [coronavirus] vaccine absolutely free,” he then said.

“Is that a radical statement? I mean that is the most obvious statement that anybody can make,” he added.

Later in his remarks, Sanders noted New York state’s efforts of using prison labor to produce hand sanitizer in an effort to offset alleged price gouging by Amazon, eBay, and others as the coronavirus continues to spread in the United States.

“I just learned a few moments ago that in New York State the government is doing the right thing. They are manufacturing disinfectant, for hand washing, to make sure that everybody will be able to get the Purell or whatever they need,” Sanders said. read more

18 Comments on Bernie Sanders Promises ‘Absolutely Free’ Coronavirus Vaccine, Praises NY for Sanitizer Made with Prison Labor

  1. This guys such a jack ass. There’s 9 Pharmaceuticals companies currently running around the clock working on a Vaccine. And they’re not doing it for free. If there were no profit in it, why do it?

  2. He thinks he can run the country – and all of us – like the way he tried to dominate the commune that he got ejected from because he wouldn’t work.

    To say that he doesn’t understand Economics 101 would be correct. But more importantly, he doesn’t understand human motivation.

    He is COMPLETELY un-American.

  3. Doesn’t seem to open now. If you’re curious this might help.

    Amy Mek on Twitter: “Opening Jihadi act at Bernie Sanders … › AmyMek › status
    16 hours ago – Opening Jihadi act at Bernie Sanders’ Dearborn, Michigan rally Dance troop performed in Palestinian war scarfs, keffiyeh, the new Swastikas …

  4. It went through my kids’ school like shit through a goose. They have identified three positives today and school has been cancelled through Friday.

    I have been feeling like crap for a month and a half, at least. My daughter missed a week, then three days two weeks later and a day the following week. I finally went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and the doc said: it’s a flu like virus, just stay hydrated and get back in here if it gets worse. So it may be what has been kicking our asses for a couple months now.

    Not sure it is what we have a low grade dose of, but it is entirely possible. I often joke that my kids are like cockroaches, it would take a nuclear blast to take them out. They normally don’t get sick even when every other kid around them is sick.

    I’m home tomorrow with the kids and may get myself checked out. What I have is like a mild hangover, it is still lingering with my oldest daughter and kicked her ass hard a month ago. Doctor told us the same thing about her – flu like virus. Stay hydrated and get back in here if it gets worse.

    Neither of has had any sneezes or coughing to amount to much though. From what I know the kids that tested positive today were infectious between the 20th and 25th of last month.

  5. Sanders is toast … & so are his Ho’s & Bro’s … he’s already been bought out by the D’Rats … all the ‘also-ran’ candidates have too … & so are Bernie’s Ho’s & Bro’s

    oh, they may be allowed to burn a couple of flags in the streets of Milwaukee & beat their breast & wail & gnash their teeth, threatening to pout & not vote

    … but they couldn’t even be bothered to show up on ‘Stupor Tuesday’ (or is that Thursday? … so confusing) … another soy-boy threat … Maaaaa … where are my tendies?!?! … already too boring to be bothered with

  6. @ Bad_Brad MARCH 10, 2020 AT 12:31 AM

    I have the kids tomorrow and am going to make a few calls to see if they want to test us.

    Tell me about the run on toilet paper. I was in Costco last weekend and it was a free for all. They wheeled out a pallet of wipes, the ones in a round canister, and it looked like the Tickle Me Elmo riots thirty years ago. I had my bananas and rotisserie chicken and ice cream bars in my buggy and just got the hell out of there.

    I was wondering what the hell when I got there and the parking lot was full and when the door opened people were running to the back of the store grabbing packs of toilet paper like they were in a greased pig chase.

  7. Sanders is an ass.

    He’s been in Congress for DECADES and that’s where the laws are made. Not by the president. Where are his laws? Even unpassed bills? Oh that’s right. He sponsored four, two to rename post offices.


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