Pediatricians Say Study Approving Puberty Blockers for Adolescents Is Flawed – IOTW Report

Pediatricians Say Study Approving Puberty Blockers for Adolescents Is Flawed

Breitbart: Two pediatricians say data from a study published at the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) actually reveals the opposite of what its authors conclude – that puberty blockers are linked to positive mental health outcomes in youth claiming to be transgender.

In the February issue of Pediatrics, Drs. Jack L. Turban, Dana King, Jeremi M. Carswell, and Alex S. Keuroghlian, asserted that “pubertal suppression for transgender adolescents who want this treatment is associated with favorable mental health outcomes.”

“There is a significant inverse association between treatment with pubertal suppression during adolescence and lifetime suicidal ideation among transgender adults who ever wanted this treatment,” the authors concluded from their data.

Two pediatricians, however, both board members of the American College of Pediatricians, which has posted a position statement on child gender dysphoria and the consequences of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatments, said the data actually reveal the opposite of what Turban and his associates claim. read more

6 Comments on Pediatricians Say Study Approving Puberty Blockers for Adolescents Is Flawed

  1. This type of thinking and writing can only come from screwed-up academic “scholars”:

    “…multiple measures of suicidality.”

    I have no trust in 95% of these studies and their peer-reviewed articles, especially when they are about sexual themes.

    This stuff is creepy and sick. Remember that the academic pioneers of sex studies were disturbed individuals themselves.

  2. As medical care is NOT assigned to the Federal govt…
    By the Constitution,
    AcA has to be unconstitutional to any literate reader,
    excluding Dimwits
    Any member saying otherwise should be removed from the High Court asap.

  3. “actually reveals the opposite of what its authors conclude”

    doesn’t take a phd to know this, only common sense and experience.

    they lie
    they all lie

    same with global climate change
    it’ all lies
    like illegal aliens are the backbone of the USA.
    like socialism works and the USA is already socialist

    it’s all lies

    only useful idiots believe them at this point


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