Greek Government: Only 4% of ‘Refugees’ Breaching Border Are Syrian – IOTW Report

Greek Government: Only 4% of ‘Refugees’ Breaching Border Are Syrian

Breitbart:Just four per cent of the supposed refugees who have breached the Greek border in recent days are Syrians, according to the Greek government.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Islamist president of Turkey, claimed he was opening his borders to Europe in response to the threat of a fresh wave of refugees from Syria — despite the fact his reason for invading the north of the country was, ostensibly, to carve out a safe zone for Syrian refugees to be settled in.

However, the Greek government reports that only a small minority of the migrants who have breached their border defences since Erdogan “opened the gates” are Syrian — and even then many are said to be people long-established in Turkey, not new migrants fleeing the fighting between Turkey, its jihadist rebel clients, and the Russian- and Iranian-backed Syrian government.

The vast majority of the migrants detained in Greece, the government claims, are actually Afghans, comprising 64 per cent of the total.

Migrants from Pakistan account for almost a fifth of detainees, at 19 per cent, with migrants from Turkey itself in third place, at 5 per cent. read more

8 Comments on Greek Government: Only 4% of ‘Refugees’ Breaching Border Are Syrian

  1. This sounds like the story of Palestinians in Israel. Greece better be careful or squatter rights will be established. Then American liberals will find solidarity with Afghans for no logical purpose.

  2. I believe most people can see right
    thru this invasion of young fighting
    age males.All done by design by the
    globalist,Satanist or whatever you
    want to call them…

  3. Turkey is probably the most well developed of all the Muslim countries in the Middle East. Why would these refugees from so many Third World Shitholes want to flee to Western European countries where they will be in the religious minority, amongst a majority of Christians and Atheists? Have you noticed that lots of them are young men who would probably be drafted to fight against various, bloodthirsty Muslim fanatics if they stayed in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran? Send them packing back to their Shitholes.

  4. it’s long past time where, as the Ancients proclaimed, to ‘grab your loins’ & fight back against those that wish to enslave us

    you either join the sheeple, those that are panicking, about to riot at this very moment because they their ‘bread & circus’s’ could be endangered … or get involved, however your means, into the real ‘resistant’ … that of fighting back against suppression by those that seek to rule us.

    I see no one (or very few) that support the ‘common man’ (& woman) other than Trump … whatever you may believe about him, or say about him, he understands the ‘the people’ much better than any politician … & I do not care about the reason, because he fight for us, not them.

  5. The best way to deter invasion is with violent response. Spray the potential invaders with fire hoses twice a day. First thing in the morning, 1/2 an hour before sunset.
    See how many last a week.

  6. Greece knew how to deter a Turkish invasion back in 500 BC.
    Guess they’re a different lot, now.

    Greece could just process em straight through to France or, better yet, Belgium.
    Or Germany! Merkel wants to drown Germany in rat-people! Have buses lined up and put the rat-people on the bus and drive em north! At EU expense, of course.

    izlamo delenda est …


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