Australia: Police launch probe after photo emerges of Police Minister shooting submachine gun – IOTW Report

Australia: Police launch probe after photo emerges of Police Minister shooting submachine gun

ABC Australia: Police are looking into whether NSW Police Minister David Elliott broke the law, after a photo surfaced of him firing a submachine gun at a rifle range for prison officers.

It was one of a series of pictures posted on Mr Elliott’s official Facebook page in September 2018 to mark the opening of the range at the John Morony Correctional Centre near Windsor in Sydney’s north-west. MORE

19 Comments on Australia: Police launch probe after photo emerges of Police Minister shooting submachine gun

  1. Well, I don’t know about the submachine gun, but that picture of the woman and two men is the worst examples of grip, stance etc I think I’ve ever seen. They suck. My God she’s actually Tea Cupping.

  2. Uncle Al

    “I believe there are some sub guns designed so that the stick magazine can be used as a grip”

    Grabbing mags like a grip is normally found upon because if you start torquing around on it you can cause an FF. Grabbing the hand guard directly in front of the mag and mag well and using the mag as a braze is quite common though.

  3. Australia needs more nit pickers…
    To staff newspapers transforming mundane stories into,
    prize winning journalism, if such s thing still exists.
    Mentality over high school preferred, but not required.

  4. you’re really ‘triggered’ over your prime minister unloading rounds? what a bunch of pansy wooses.
    Australia is going the way of New Zealand … soon to be another member of the ‘Greater SouthEast China Co-Prosperity Sphere’ by 2050

    ‘Crocodile Vagee’, circa 2020

    (btw, the US is not too far behind)

  5. @Uncle Al; one of sub machine guns you might be referring to is the MAT-49 the French used on the 50’s to the 80’s (some still in use today). There was a handle grip magazine well that took the ammunition magazine. You didn’t actually grip the mag but rather the well. It became a pretty iconic weapon associated to the French and the Viet Minh as well as the FLN.

  6. Dufus in the middle of the second pic is gonna need a bandaid on his left thumb if one of the rangemasters was stupid enough to actually load the pistol. Typical leftists.


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