Sara A. Carter to Bernie Sanders: “They weren’t revolutionaries, they were murderers” – IOTW Report

Sara A. Carter to Bernie Sanders: “They weren’t revolutionaries, they were murderers”

Make no mistake Bernie Sanders, Cuba’s communism and socialism has failed the Cuban people. In this episode, Sara A. Carter explained why her family left Cuba for the United States. It wasn’t an easy journey, but it was worth it. Listen to her story here

8 Comments on Sara A. Carter to Bernie Sanders: “They weren’t revolutionaries, they were murderers”

  1. I want our belt buckle hatted, powdered wig founding fathers who had to navigate the 250 year legacy of French, Spanish and English imperialists using American Indians as mercenaries in proxy wars to get the same pass as his army fatigued, cigar chomping child murderers.

    There is a great meme out there of the moment Janet Reno’s jackboots stormed the house to send Elian Gonzales back to Cuba. With the MP5 pointed at the guy holding the child it says “Don’t worry kid. They have a literacy program.”

  2. The democratic party is comprised of commies, criminals and queers.

    Their agenda is one of using force against citizens to get their way.

    If democratic socialism makes socialism ok, then democratic slavery is what we had 150 yrs ago and that was ok.

  3. The Democrat Party has ALWAYS been socialist! FDR’s Alphabet Soup of federal agencies was inspired by the centralized control of fascist Italy! Even though it didn’t start out “pay as you go” (from each according to his ability, to each according to his need), the Democrats called their retirement insurance Social (as in socialist) Security! They used to call single-payer insurance socialized medicine! Even when it was the party of slavery, they grew fat from stealing the fruits of the labor of others. Bernie just calls a spade a spade, and not a shovel, although he would use it like a club.

  4. I always give people a piece of my mind when I see a Che t-shirt. They have no idea who or what that human garbage did.

    One asshole last summer had a license plate on his car “CHE FIDEL”.

    The Fuck You’s I gave him at the stop light were spectacular!


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