President Trump Suspends Travel From Europe to the U.S. to Fight Wuhan Flu – IOTW Report

President Trump Suspends Travel From Europe to the U.S. to Fight Wuhan Flu

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday the United States will suspend all travel from Europe to the United States for 30 days starting on Friday in order to fight the coronavirus.

Trump said the travel restrictions do not apply to the United Kingdom.

Reporting By Steve Holland, Eric Beech, Makini Brice, Alexandra Alper; Editing by Sandra Maler

16 Comments on President Trump Suspends Travel From Europe to the U.S. to Fight Wuhan Flu

  1. I honestly am not getting this panic, but then I don’t watch the news and I don’t search everyday for coronavirus, I hear enough about it without exposing myself to more we’re all dying news day in and day out.

    I have family members though that watch every local and national newscast about it and read everything on the internet daily. They’re about to drive me nuts, millions of Americans are going to get it, thousands are going to die, why am I not taking this seriously, can’t I see what’s going on? Sorry what I see is a lot of hysteria and overreacting. Ebola scared me a hell of a lot worse, dying from pneumonia seems a lot more better way to die than bleeding from my eyes. Just kidding sort of, although that whole bleeding from the eyes thing kind of freaked me out.

    I still pretty much think though I have a higher risk of dying on the highway, slipping in my shower or getting cancer than I do from the Wuhan flu and if I do die from the Wuhan flu then there really isn’t much I can do about it, so why panic?
    Don’t even tell these folks though that as the temps warm it will fade away, because again I’m not taking this seriously and not seeing what is going on, millions are going to get it and thousands are going to die.

  2. No doubt the dems are hoping to create a Wuhan Flu stampede to trample Trump into the dirt after the failures of front man Mueller, Crazy-eyes Schiff and the ever so Extra-rotund Nadler, to do so.

    However, many of the demonrat office holders are chin deep into the geriatric time line, a high risk group, that maybe ought to drop the politics of hate to possibility save their own necks. But probably wont, they hate Trump enough they don’t care if a few of their own kick the bucket if it will provide them the opportunity to blame Trump for putting the bucket out to block their path.

  3. This is 99% political – never let a crisis go to waste. That quack doctor (can’t remember his name) claims the ChiCom virus is 10 times deadlier than ‘regular’ flu. That’s actually factual, but he doesn’t tell you the chance of dying from the flu are around .1% and around 1% for WuFlu. BUT… look at the destruction to the economy, foreign relations, the stock market, sports, colleges, any gathering of people, etc. This panic is intentional and a lot of it is designed to hurt Trump, capitalism, and the U.S., and to help the NWO.


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